National Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

Dear colleagues,

Today, we observe National Indigenous Peoples Day, a time to honour the cultures, traditions, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples across Canada. Coinciding with the Summer Solstice, this day is an opportunity to celebrate the sun’s life-giving energy and serves as a powerful reminder that supporting Indigenous connections with protected lands, waters, and ice within their traditional territories, treaty lands, and ancestral homelands is vital to our work at Parks Canada.

Collaborating with over 300 First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities, Parks Canada is privileged to partner with Indigenous peoples to conserve, restore, and present natural and cultural heritage. We reaffirm our dedication to deepening partnerships with Indigenous communities, learning from past mistakes, building on successes, and exploring new opportunities for collaboration.

Over the past year, Indigenous partners and Parks Canada team members across the country have worked together every day to continue our journey towards reconciliation:

  • Inuit Guardians at Torngat Mountains: In August 2023, it was announced that Makivvik Corporation would receive funding over three years to develop two new Guardians programs at Torngat Mountains National Park. These programs will support the sharing of Nunavik Inuit knowledge and facilitate access to the land.
  • Land back at Pacific Rim: In November 2023, the Pacheedaht First Nation and Parks Canada signed an agreement returning ?A:?b?e:?s (Middle Beach) to the Nation. This shoreline was added Pacific Rim National Park in 1988 without formal consultation or recognition of Pacheedaht or their systems of traditional governance.
  • Shared governance at Forillion: In January, the Nation Micmac de Gespeg and the Government of Canada signed the Rights and Reconciliation Agreement with respect to Forillon National Park. The agreement provides for the establishment of a shared governance framework between the Nation Micmac de Gespeg and Parks Canada for initiatives and activities in the park.
  • Bison at Batoche: In July 2022, 690 acres of land at Batoche National Historic Site were transferred to the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan. In December 2023, bison from Grasslands National Park were transported to the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan lands to establish a new herd that will strengthen Métis communities’ connections to their identity and land.

In recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day, I encourage each of you to engage with the rich cultures and histories of Indigenous peoples. I invite you to visit the National Indigenous Peoples Day and National Indigenous History Month ParksNet pages, explore educational resources offered by the government of Canada, participate in activities taking place near you, and take time to reflect on how we can all contribute to reconciliation and understanding.

Our journey towards a more inclusive and equitable future is ongoing, requiring the dedication and support of each member of our team. By working together, we learn to appreciate our differences, reinforce our common goals and values, and celebrate our shared successes. Thank you for your hard work and for upholding the values of respect, collaboration, and inclusivity that define Parks Canada.

Miigwech / Kleco / Ekosani / Maarsii / Meegwetch / Mahseecho / Mutna / Ma’na / Wopida / Hei Hei / ᖁᔭᓐᓇᒦᒃ / Qujannamiik / ᖁᐊᓇᖅᑯᑎᑦ/ Quanaqqutit / Marci Cho / Nakurmiik / ᓇᑯᕐᒦᒃ / Huy ch q’u / Kukwstsétsemc / Woliwun / Haawa / Wela’lioq / Mahsi Cho / Quyanainni / Hai’choo / Tshinashkumitin / Merci / Thank you


Ron Hallman

President & CEO

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


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