Renewing our commitment to the hybrid work model

Dear colleagues,

More than a year ago, office-based Parks Canada team members transitioned to a hybrid work model where team members may be eligible to telework up to three days per week, or 60 percent of their normal work time. This model offers flexibility while fostering a culture of participation and belonging that is central to our shared sense of team.

As we continue to move forward with this new work reality, our objective remains to ensure that we offer exemplary services to Canadians and provide a safe and welcoming workplace for our team members. To best ensure an approach that is consistent, coherent, and equitable, I expect all of us to respect the commitment we make when signing our hybrid work arrangement agreements. I trust all team members to act with integrity in a manner that is consistent with our recently refreshed Values and Ethics Code and renewed Values and Operating Principles.

With the beginning of a new fiscal year, it is time to renew or initiate hybrid work arrangement agreements, where applicable. To do so, we will be using a new centralized online application called myWorkArrangements (mWA) hosted on the Treasury Board Application Portal (TAP). This tool has been developed by the Treasury Board Secretariat and adapted by Parks Canada. Employees are asked to create a new agreement in mWA by May 15, 2024. Not only will this application facilitate the creation of your agreements, but it will support you and your supervisors in the reviewing and renewing of these agreements on an ongoing basis. 

In the coming days, managers and supervisors will be receiving and sharing more guidance and information regarding the implementation of this new tool. I encourage you to take the opportunity to have conversations on how to best collaborate with your colleagues in a hybrid work environment and continue to deliver the Parks Canada mandate. You are also invited to refer to the hybrid approach to work page on ParksNet for additional information.

Together, let’s ensure Parks Canada remains a top employer in Canada – one that promotes a respectful, collaborative, and diverse culture, while modeling continued excellence in its service to Canadians.


Ron Hallman

President & CEO



Reminder to managers: In keeping with Parks Canada’s procedures for communications with employees, managers are responsible for ensuring all team members under their responsibility receive the information intended for them. It is important that you find a means to transmit this message and, if any, the attachment(s) to employees without access to Parks Canada e-mail or the intranet, e.g. by posting it, circulating a paper copy or by any other appropriate means.

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