National Day of Mourning

Dear colleagues,

April 28 is the National Day of Mourning in Canada. Marked annually, it’s an occasion to honour and remember our colleagues and workers across the country who have lost their lives, suffered injuries, or become ill due to their work.

Sunday, the Canadian flag is flown at half-mast on Parliament Hill and all federal government buildings as a sign of respect and solidarity with those affected by workplace incidents.

At Parks Canada, nothing is more important than the health, safety and wellness of our team members, and each of us has a role to play. We demonstrate our core values in the way we treat each other and support the mental and physical safety of our teams. Our collective efforts and daily actions can raise awareness of occupational health and safety and help eliminate potential risks and hazards.

Let us remember those who have lost their lives or suffered injuries while working and renew our commitment to creating a safe, healthy and respectful workplace for all.

I encourage you to explore LifeSpeak – Travelling through Grief series (access ID: canada) and visit the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) website for more information.

Ron Hallman

President & CEO

#ParksCanadaProud #StrongerTogether

Reminder to managers: In keeping with Parks Canada's procedures for communications with employees, managers are responsible for ensuring all team members under their responsibility receive the information intended for them. It is important that you find a means to transmit this message and, if any, the attachment(s) to employees without access to Parks Canada e-mail or the intranet, e.g. by posting it, circulating a paper copy or by any other appropriate means.

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