Announcement - Deployment of Élisabeth Lacoursière - Director, Strategic Communications

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the deployment of Élisabeth Lacoursière as Director, Strategic Communications within the External Relations and Visitor Experience Directorate, effective April 22, 2024.

Élisabeth joined Parcs Canada in 2010 as Strategic Advisor before becoming Director, Marketing and Outreach in 2013. She contributed to various initiatives such as Parks Canada's presence in urban areas, youth engagement strategy, and significant national advertising campaigns. Elisabeth was also Chief of Staff for two years for the President & CEO, providing strategic leadership in the identification and management of horizontal issues and hot files.

Since July 2020, Élisabeth has been the Field Unit Superintendent, Gaspésie, where along with the team, she advanced sustainable relationships with Indigenous communities and the local and regional tourism industry, as well as with the Association of Persons Expropriated from Forillon and their Descendants. She has been acting in the Director, Strategic Communications role since December 2023.

Élisabeth holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a specialization in tourism and marketing from the Université du Québec à Montréal.

Please join me in wishing Élisabeth the best of success in her new role.


Ron Hallman

President & CEO

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


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