Announcement – Strategic Policy, Business and Digital Services Directorate

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform you of important changes to the organizational structure of the Strategic Policy and Planning directorate, which came into effect April 2, 2024.

For some time now, Senior Management has recognized the need for a centralized, agency-wide strategic planning and coordination function, to strengthen enterprise thinking, coordination, and governance, to create greater strategic alignment across our collective priorities and planned activities, to improve some key functions and to streamline the delivery of services. I am pleased to announce that Strategic Policy and Planning will be taking on this important centralized and strategic role.

I would also like to announce that the Strategic Policy and Planning directorate's name has changed to Strategic Policy, Business and Digital Services (SBDS) to better reflect its role. Under the leadership of the Vice-president, Jewel Cunningham, the team’s new organizational structure is outlined below:

  • Strategic Policy, Planning and Investments:  This unit includes Business and Investment Planning; Policy, Legislative and Cabinet Affairs; and, Strategic Planning, Data and Performance.
  • Business Services and Enterprise Integration: This unit includes Corporate Secretary; Corporate Services; Enterprise Coordination and Initiative Management; and, Workplace Solutions and Agency Security.
  • Digital Systems and Services: This unit includes Cyber Security and Cyber Risk Management; Digital Delivery; Digital Infrastructure and Operations; and, Digital Planning and Portfolio Management.

As part of this restructuring, I am pleased to announce the following deployments, effective April 2, 2024.


Matt Hopkins, Director, Business and Investment Planning

Matt joined Parks Canada in December 2020 where he led the resources review exercise to assess the sufficiency and effectiveness of the organization operating resources. Since November 2022, he was responsible for strategic and integrated planning, including overseeing the continued development and implementation of the Integrated Business Plan.

Matt holds a Bachelor of Humanities and a Master of Legal Studies from Carleton University.


Katherine Patterson, Director, Strategic Planning, Data and Performance

Katherine joined Parks Canada in 2009 as Field Unit Superintendent, Saskatchewan South and five years later, she became Field Unit Superintendent, Eastern and Central Ontario. Since November 2022, Katherine was assigned to the role of Director, Strategic Planning and Corporate Services, overseeing management planning, performance measurement, risk management and corporate reporting for the organization.

Katherine holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science of Agriculture from Macdonald College and a Master’s degree in Science of Environmental Economics from McGill University.

Please join me in wishing all SBDS team members a smooth transition to this new structure, and Matt and Katherine all the best in their respective leadership roles.


Ron Hallman
President & Chief Executive Officer

#StrongerTogether #ParksCanadaProud


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