Potential Traffic Delays: Hogs Back Bridge, Ottawa

Rideau Canal National Historic Site

Smiths Falls (Ontario), April 20, 2016 – Investigative work on the Hogs Back Bridge in Ottawa originally scheduled from April 18 to 21, 2016 has been extended until April 22nd. From 7pm to 11pm Hog’s Back Rd will be reduced to one lane in order to accommodate a work crew. During this time traffic will be controlled by workers on site.

While investigative work will also take place between 9am and 3pm, lane closures will not be required.

Additionally, the sidewalk on the south side of the bridge will be closed. A detour for pedestrian traffic will make use of the crossing atop the Hogs Back dam and trail that connects this crossing to the sidewalks East and West of the bridge. Workers on site will also control traffic in order to enable any pedestrians with limited mobility to make use of the roadway.

This work is being conducted in order to determine the quality and condition of the existing concrete structures. It will entail concrete coring, sampling and testing, and will inform future concrete repair work in these areas.

The repair of the bridge at Hogs Back in Ottawa is part of an unprecedented $3 billion investment to support infrastructure work to heritage, visitor, waterway, and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas across Canada.

For up-to-date news on infrastructure work, please visit www.pc.gc.ca/rcInfrastructure or e-mail RideauCanal.info@pc.gc.ca.

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