Community Update: Six Mile Lake Dams Reconstruction

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

Work on the Six Mile Lake Dams Reconstruction Project, which began in June, will be continuing throughout the winter. Work is being performed on the: Six Mile Lake Dam (or main dam): the operable dam that regulates the water level on Six Mile Lake and provides sufficient discharge to maintain navigation within Gloucester Pool; and, Six Mile Blind Dam: a non-regulating structure located approximately 70 m west of the main dam, which consists of a concrete gravity wall dam originally constructed in 1921.

Progress to Date:
  • In June, site preparations, including widening the road, relocating utilities, and installing new guide rails to improve site safety, began.
  • In-water construction activities began in July and focused on the construction of temporary cofferdams at both the main dam and the blind dam.
Next Steps:
  • Cofferdam construction on the main dam will continue through the fall, after which the area will be dewatered to allow for the demolition and reconstruction of the main dam structure.
  • Cofferdam construction on the blind dam is nearly complete, and dewatering will begin shortly, allowing for the rehabilitation of the blind dam to begin.
Important Notices:
  • The construction site remains closed to the public for the project's duration. Parks Canada reminds everyone to stay clear of the area for your safety and the safety of the construction crews.
  • Boaters are advised that there are no impacts to navigation; however, we remind everyone to avoid the areas near the Six Mile Lake Main and Blind Dams.
  • District Road 34 (White’s Falls Road) will remain open throughout the construction period. Drivers are reminded to obey all posted signage and expect flaggers to direct the safe movement of construction vehicles.

This work is part of Parks Canada’s unprecedented investment to support heritage, visitor, waterway, and highway assets located within national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas across Canada. These historic investments will mitigate health and safety risks, continue to protect nationally significant built heritage, and stimulate the economy in communities across the country.

If you would like to receive updates about this project via email, please contact us at and include “Six Mile Lake Dams” in the subject line.

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