The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

7. Board Work Plan and Budget


Canada shall:

  1. pay meeting expenses and other costs associated with the execution of the mandate of the Board under this Agreement; and
  2. provide and pay the costs of secretariat services of the Board. The following costs for Board meetings shall be paid according to Treasury Board guidelines: per diem and travel and accommodation expenses for members who are not salaried employees of Canada, the GNWT , or the bodies created by the IFA , or are not otherwise reimbursed for their work related to the Agreement. These and other costs to be borne by Canada shall be approved as set out in Subsection 7.2 below. Canada shall only pay costs to which it has agreed in advance of an expenditure.


Within forty-five (45) days of its establishment and prior to the conclusion of each fiscal year, the Board shall prepare a yearly work plan with budget proposals for meeting expenses and other costs associated with the execution of the mandate of the Board under this Agreement. It shall recommend these to the DCH Director and these matters shall be considered according to Subsections 6.6 through 6.8 above.


The Board may recommend changes to its work plan and budget as circumstances change during any fiscal year. It shall then submit its revised work plan and budget for approval in accordance with the process laid out in Subsection 7.2 above.


At the conclusion of each fiscal year, the Board shall report to the Parties on the attainment of that year's work plan and on other matters as the Board sees fit.


The Board shall convene within two (2) months of its appointment. The Board shall conduct its business in an efficient and effective manner.

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