The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

14. Contract Priority for Inuvialuit


Awarding of Government Contracts pursuant to this Section shall be dependent upon Inuvialuit Businesses meeting the required terms and conditions of the contract and providing the capacity, capability and expertise to supply the goods and services in a competitive manner having regard to the purposes set out in Subsection 2.4 above.


The IRC , with respect to the ISR , and the PCC , with respect to the community of Paulatuk, shall prepare and maintain a comprehensive list of Inuvialuit Businesses. This list shall include information on the goods and services those businesses are in a position to furnish in relation to actual or potential Government Contracts related to the establishment, management or operation of the Park. The IRC and the PCC shall ensure that the list of Inuvialuit Businesses is provided to the DCH Director. Canada shall use the list of Inuvialuit Businesses for purposes of soliciting bids from Inuvialuit Businesses, but this shall not restrict the ability of any Inuvialuit Business to submit bids for Government Contracts in accordance with the Bid Invitation process where bids are invited by public notice.


In the planning of Government Contracts related to the Park, Canada shall take all reasonable measures to provide opportunities to qualified Inuvialuit Businesses to compete for and obtain such contracts. Canada shall consider, but not necessarily be limited to, the following measures with particular regard to Inuvialuit Businesses located in Paulatuk:

  1. providing on the request of the IRC or the PCC reasonable assistance in familiarizing Inuvialuit Businesses with the contracting procedures of Canada;
  2. setting the date, location and terms and conditions for bidding so that Inuvialuit Businesses may reasonably bid;
  3. inviting bids by commodity groupings to permit smaller and more specialized Inuvialuit Businesses to bid;
  4. permitting bids for goods and services for a specified portion of a larger contract package to permit smaller and more specialized Inuvialuit Businesses to bid;
  5. designing construction contracts in a way so as to increase the opportunity for smaller and more specialized Inuvialuit Businesses to bid; and
  6. specifying skill requirements consistent with, but no greater than, the needs of the contract.


Qualified Inuvialuit Businesses, particularly those in Paulatuk, shall be given first consideration where a Government Contract related to the Park may, in accordance with the Government Contracts Regulations, be awarded without competition.


The following factors shall be reflected in the bid evaluation criteria established by Canada for the awarding of Government Contracts related to the Park:

  1. the employment of Inuvialuit labour and services, and the engagement of Inuvialuit suppliers, particularly from Paulatuk;
  2. he undertaking of commitments with respect to on-the-job training and skills development for Inuvialuit, particularly Inuvialuit from Paulatuk; and
  3. the location of head offices, administrative offices, and other facilities in the ISR, and particularly in Paulatuk.

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