The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

6. General Mandate of the Board


Subject to the jurisdictions of the EISC , EIRB , FJMC and WMAC ( NWT ), the Board shall advise the Minister, and other ministers as appropriate, on all aspects of Park planning, operation and management, and on the means of accomplishing the several purposes set out in Section 2 above. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall:

  1. co-ordinate the preparation and periodic amendment of the Management Plan for the Park as described in Subsections 5(1.1), (1.2), (1.3) and (1.4) of the National Parks Act, refer the Management Plan to the EISC for review, recommend the Management Plan to the Minister for her approval, and monitor its implementation;
  2. co-ordinate and integrate advice to the Minister on any other policies and regulations specific to the Park;
  3. co-ordinate and integrate advice to the Minister on any aspects of Park research, including procedures, general terms and conditions to be attached to research permits, research priorities, and the co-ordination of research within the Park;
  4. advise the Minister annually on the selection of Park-related staff, and annual staffing action plans, including statements of qualifications for the hiring of staff; and
  5. co-ordinate advice to the Minister on any transboundary issues, or on other issues affecting the management of the Park.


Where the Board's advice to the Minister under this Section relates to the management of fisheries within the Park, the Minister shall ensure that the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is made aware of the Board's advice.


At the beginning of each fiscal year, following approval of its annual work plan and budget (Section 7, below), and during each year as the Board deems necessary, the Board shall declare to the Parties those matters on which it will advise ministers of the Federal and Territorial Governments during that fiscal year, consistent with its work plan and budget.


The Department of Canadian Heritage and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism shall make reasonable efforts not to act on a matter on which the Board has declared its intention to advise a minister until the Board has had a reasonable opportunity to consider the matter and offer its advice. The Board shall act promptly and expeditiously on matters before it. No Party shall be prevented from acting in an emergency.


Subject to Paragraph 6.1(A) and Subsection 6.2, the Board may refer any matter requiring the attention of a Federal or Territorial minister directly to the appropriate minister.


On Park matters within Federal jurisdiction, the Board shall otherwise advise the Minister through the DCH Director. The Board shall first discuss these matters with the DCH Director with a view to reaching consensus, and thereafter, if recommendations of the Board are forthcoming, the DCH Director shall approve and implement or reject the Board's recommendations.


If the DCH Director rejects the Board's recommendations, the Board may provide its recommendations directly to the Minister within thirty (30) days of the DCH Director's rejection.


Where the Minister varies or rejects a recommendation of the Board, the Minister shall provide the Board with written reasons for her decision within sixty (60) days of receiving the recommendation.


On receiving the decision of the Minister to vary or reject a recommendation, the Board may, within thirty (30) days of receiving the decision, submit a further recommendation to the Minister.

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