The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

18. Firearms


Subject to laws of general application respecting public safety, including ownership and use of firearms, Inuvialuit shall be permitted to carry and use firearms in the Park for the protection of themselves and others, including when they are hired as guides by others.


No Visitor shall discharge a firearm in the Park.


The Parties recognize the inherent value of healthy bear populations in the Park, as well as the economic value of bear sport hunts to Paulatuk, the loss that would accrue to the community were a bear to be killed in self-defence (or otherwise) by a Visitor, and the need to make best efforts to prevent this occurring. Therefore, Parks Canada shall make best efforts to educate Visitors, at the time of their registration, on bear-person interactions and on the importance of bears to Canada and to Paulatuk, in order to prevent harm to Visitors and bears. The Board shall advise the Minister on the appropriate actions to be taken in this matter.


The Department of Canadian Heritage shall pay compensation to the PHTC for the loss of any of Paulatuk's bear (genus Ursus) tags issued pursuant to the NWT Wildlife Act for any bears killed by employees or independent contractors of the Department while acting in the performance of their duties. Compensation shall be calculated at seventy (70) percent of the average market value of a guided sport hunt from Paulatuk the preceding season.

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