The Tuktut Nogait Agreement

1. Interpretation

The Parties:

HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA, as represented by the Minister of Communications (responsible for national parks), hereinafter referred to as the Minister of Canadian Heritage; ("Canada")

THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, as represented by the Commissioner; ("GNWT")

THE INUVIALUIT GAME COUNCIL, a society duly incorporated pursuant to the Societies Act of the Northwest Territories; ("IGC")

THE INUVIALUIT REGIONAL CORPORATION, a corporation duly incorporated pursuant to Part II of the Canada Corporations Act; ("IRC")

THE PAULATUK COMMUNITY CORPORATION, a corporation duly incorporated pursuant to Part II of the Canada Corporations Act; and ("PCC")

THE PAULATUK HUNTERS AND TRAPPERS COMMITTEE, a society duly incorporated pursuant to the Societies Act of the Northwest Territories. ("PHTC")


A. The Parties wish to create Tuktut Nogait National Park ("the Park") in the area described in Annex 1 to this Agreement, for the purposes set out in Section 2 of this Agreement; and

B. The Park lies within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, defined in Section 2 and Annex

A-1 of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement ("IFA"), which Parliament approved, gave effect to and declared valid in the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act, S.C., 1984, c. 49, proclaimed into force on July 25, 1984; and

C. The lands and waters to become the Park are under the administration and control of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada; and

D. The Inuvialuit Final Agreement recognizes certain Inuvialuit rights and responsibilities within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region ("ISR") and thus within the Park; and

E. The Minister of Canadian Heritage ("the Minister") is responsible before Parliament for the administration, management and control of national parks in Canada under the authority of the National Parks Act R.S.C. 1985 c. N-14, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the National Parks Act, and the Department of Communications Act R.S.C. c. C-24; and

F. The IGC, IRC, PCC and PHTC have those responsibilities set out in the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.


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