Fishing regulations summary

Jasper National Park

Keep park waters clean. You can prevent the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). Before you drive to Jasper, clean, drain, and dry all watercraft and items you plan to put in the water here. Make clean-drain-dry a habit every where you go!

On this page

Fishing permits

A national park fishing permit is required when angling in Canada's national parks. Provincial fishing licenses are not valid.

Anyone under the age of 16 may fish in the national parks without a permit if accompanied by a national park fishing permit holder 16 years of age or older. However, their catch is then included within the permit holder’s daily limit. A valid national park pass is also required when fishing in the mountain national parks.

Detailed fees list.

National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations

April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025

It is unlawful to:

  • Fish without a national park fishing permit in your immediate possession
  • Fish with or possess within 100 metres of park waters the following:
    • natural bait and chemical attractants;
    • any lead tackle (sinkers, jigs, lures and flies) under 50 grams;
    • lures with more than 2 gang hooks;
    • a line capable of catching more than one fish at one time;
    • live or dead fish or any parts thereof for use as bait.
  • Fish by any method other than angling
  • Fish with more than one line at a time
  • Fish with a line having more than one artificial fly
  • Fish closed waters
  • Leave a fishing line unattended
  • Fish from 2 hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise
  • Sell, trade or barter any fish caught
  • Place or transfer any fish or fish eggs between any park waters
  • Place any food for fish in park waters
  • Harass fish by throwing objects or impeding their movements

When fishing in park waters that allow possession (see Catch and Possession Limits), it is unlawful to:

  • Possess more than 2 game fish at one time
  • Continue fishing on any day after having caught and retained the maximum daily catch and possession limit
  • Allow your catch to spoil or to be wasted

For a complete listing, please refer to the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations.

 Check your tackle box!
Some fishing tackle and baits are not allowed near or within 100 metres of national park waters. Refer to the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations.

Open seasons, special restrictions and closed waters
Year round Sunwapta River
April 1 to September 1 and November 1 to March 31 Fiddle River, Maligne River (below Maligne Canyon), Miette River, Rocky River, Snake Indian River, Snaring River
August 1 to October 1 Fly fishing only: Maligne River from a point 420 m downstream from the Maligne Lake Outlet bridge to Medicine Lake including that part of Medicine Lake within a 180 m radius of a point in the middle of the Maligne River where it enters Medicine Lake. Use artificial flys only.
July 1 to September 1 All other rivers and streams except closed waters
Fishing with a hook and line held in the hand or with a hook, line and rod held in the hand. It does not mean fishing with a set line.
Artificial fly
A single or double hook on a common shank, dressed with silk, tinsel, wood, fur, feathers or other materials (no lead), or any combination thereof without a spinning device, whether attached to the hook or line.
Natural bait ban
You can only use lures made of feathers, fibre, rubber, wood, metal or plastic. No edible material (plant or animal products), scented lures or chemical attractants are permitted.
Any water course which flows into another body of water. This includes a tributary to a tributary. Lakes are excluded unless otherwise specified.
For the purposes of this summary, the word trout includes char species.
Protect park waters

Preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species is a Parks Canada priority. Once they arrive, species removal is next to impossible.

Aquatic invasive species (AIS) threaten pristine freshwater ecosystems, harm fish populations, damage infrastructure and reduce aquatic recreational opportunities. Stop the spread of AIS. Clean, drain, dry your watercraft and water-related gear.

Before and after entering a water body:



Clean off all plants, animals and mud from your watercraft and equipment each time you exit the water and before moving to another water body.



Drain water from watercrafts, trailers, and gear. Invert or tilt items. Open all compartments. Pull drain plugs



Dry items completely before entering any river, pond, lake or stream.

symbol of ais self-certification  


Most mountain national parks require a watercraft or angling gear AIS Prevention permit. Visit a Parks Canada inspection station where available for a free inspection.

Aquatic invasive species (AIS)

Whirling disease is caused by a parasite that causes skeletal deformities of an infected fish’s body or head, usually in young fish, and the tail may appear dark or black. The disease can be spread to other waterbodies through spores in mud. This disease is not harmful to humans or other mammals but can have significant effects on some fish populations.

 Report all sightings of aquatic invasive species
Include photos, locations and description if possible. For Parks Canada sites email Call 1-855-336-2628 (BOAT) in Alberta and 1-888-933-3722 in British Columbia.

Cold water safety
Plan ahead
Check the status of the park you want to visit and find out what restrictions and guidelines are in place.
Always wear a PFD or lifejacket
It is a federal law that every watercraft must have a lifejacket or personal flotation devices (PFD) for every person on board.
Know the water
Mountain lakes are cold and hypothermia (low body core temperature) is a concern if your boat capsizes. Paddle close to shore and wear a life jacket.
Check the weather conditions
If you see that bad weather is coming in, paddle closer to shore, as the wind can change rapidly and create large waves in a matter of minutes.

Preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species is a Parks Canada Priority. Once these species arrive, removal is next to impossible. Clean, drain and dry your watercraft.

Boat launches are available at: Patricia Lake, Pyramid Lake, Talbot Lake, Maligne Lake, and Medicine Lake. Boats with electric motors are allowed on Maligne, Medicine, Talbot, Pyramid, and Patricia lakes only.

Electric motors are prohibited at all other waterbodies, and gas motors are never permitted on the water in Jasper National Park.

 Report suspicious activities

Jasper, Mount Revelstoke, Glacier: 1-877-852-3100

Banff, Yoho, Kootenay, Waterton Lakes: 1-888-927-3367

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