Community Update: Port Severn Main Dam and Fixed Bridge Construction Update

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

July 21, 2021 – Parks Canada would like to advise that work on the Port Severn Fixed Bridge is nearing completion. The bridge has been closed to complete a full demolition and reconstruction of the main dam, fixed bridge, piers, and abutments. In addition to this work, Parks Canada will be partially mechanizing the Main Dam, resulting in more positive benefits for the Port Severn community. This work includes the installation of four fully mechanized vertical steel gates in sluices 1 through 4, adjacent to the lock and will further enhance water management capabilities.

Port Severn Main Dam and Fixed Bridge Construction  

The Fixed Bridge is expected to reopen to vehicle traffic in mid to late August however, in order to mechanize the Main Dam, the contractor will need access to the Fixed Bridge for material deliveries and lifts associated with the project. This will result in short-term closures of the Fixed Bridge following the initial reopening to vehicular traffic. The pedestrian crossing will remain closed for the duration of the mechanization project for the safety of the public and the workers. Work on gate mechanization is expected to begin following the completion of the Fixed Bridge work and is expected to be complete in winter 2021. What to expect:

  • Mid to late August – winter 2021:
  • Port Severn Fixed Bridge reopens to vehicular traffic only.
  • The pedestrian crossing will remain closed.
  • Intermittent short-term closures are expected following the reopening of the bridge.
Further updates on the date of the Port Severn Fixed Bridge reopening and short-term closures expected for mechanization will be provided as new information becomes available. Parks Canada maintains oversight on all projects and has worked closely with our colleagues at Public Service and Procurement Canada to reduce negative impacts to construction as much as possible. Parks Canada and PSPC are investigating options and implementing contractual tools that are available to the Government of Canada to expedite the remaining work and minimize traffic disruptions. We appreciate your patience while we undertake these important investments into the waterway infrastructure in Port Severn.


The Government of Canada is investing over $48 million dollars over several years to support infrastructure work in Port Severn. This investment into assets in the community is part of the largest federal infrastructure plan in the history of Parks Canada. Once complete, the life and function of these structures will have been extended for decades, continuing to connect the community of Port Severn between Georgian Bay and Severn Townships.

More Information

For questions or concerns, or to receive email updates regarding this project, please contact us at and include “Port Severn” in the subject heading. For news about this or other infrastructure projects in your area, please visit

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