
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

Chapter 5. The Need for Active Management and Restoration
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(5-7) We further recommend that Parks Canada improve the management of alien species by working with local experts, museums, universities and other government departments to routinely monitor for new species invasions. In addition, improved management of alien species will result from implementing recommendations made in Chapter 12 concerning the elimination of non-native plant species in parks. To foster public support for the elimination of alien plant species from national parks, we recommend that Parks Canada design and implement interpretive programs and other information as recommended in Chapter 10. Parks Canada is currently a participant in the development of a federal/provincial/industry alien species strategy, led by the Canadian Forest Service. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada's strategy on alien species will include participation in inter-agency initiatives, control and eradication of alien species in national parks and communications with the public. The extent and timing of implementation of the strategy are subject to the availability of new funds.

(5-8) We recommend that Parks Canada establish guidelines for the management of any harvested populations in a park. We recommend that no harvest be allowed to occur unless these guidelines are met and that any harvest under the jurisdiction of Parks Canada that does not meet these principles should be discontinued. We note that some harvest regimes within some national parks are not under the jurisdiction of Parks Canada and thus Parks Canada could advocate a position in these cases.

We recommend the following principles for harvesting in national parks ...

Where harvesting is permitted in national parks, park data on harvestable populations are inconsistent and inadequate. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Where harvesting is permitted under new park agreements or as an existing Aboriginal or treaty right, Parks Canada will establish (or advocate) guidelines for ecologically sustainable harvest regimes. The extent and timing of implementation of these guidelines are subject to the availability of new funding.
(5-9) We recommend that Parks Canada confirm the role for control of hyperabundant species in national parks through active management, to maintain or restore ecological integrity, as long as the following conditions are met ... Existing legislation, policy and planning processes provide for control of hyperabundant species. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. A national directive on the control of hyperabundant species is approved and in effect. The extent and timing of implementation of the directive are subject to the availability of new funding.

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