
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

Chapter 10. Interpretation and Outreach
Panel Recommendation Considerations Action
(10-5) We recommend that Parks Canada include the regional dimension in interpretation programs in order to place ecological integrity messages into regional, national, and global contexts. Make each park the regional focal point for public education programs in protected areas networks and ecosystem management. This would entail ...   UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada will continue to improve the regional dimension of its interpretation and outreach programs as it renews these programs. The extent and timing of this work are subject to the availability of new funding.
(10-6) We recommend that Parks Canada increase and support the role of partners, particularly volunteer associations, in interpretation and outreach as an enhancement to, but not replacement of, the work of core professional full-time staff. Parks Canada has long had a very active volunteer program and engages in hundreds of partnerships every year. UNDER WAY - FUNDING. Parks Canada will continue to use partners and volunteers to enhance, not replace, its interpretation and outreach program. The extent and timing of increased activity in this area are subject to availability of new funding.
(10-7) We recommend that Parks Canada immediately cease the product marketing of national parks in general and the product marketing which attempts to increase overall use of parks or divert demand to shoulder seasons or so-called "under-used" parks in particular. Concentrate instead on social marketing, policy marketing, and de-marketing aimed at appropriate target audiences with messages focusing on ecological integrity.   Parks Canada will revise its efforts guided by the following directions:
  • increasing Canadians' knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the nature and purposes of national parks;
  • encouraging the use and enjoyment of national parks, respecting their fundamental values;
  • incorporating, comprehensively, messages respecting ecological integrity throughout all communications materials.
(10-8) We recommend that Parks Canada work with regional and provincial bodies involved in tourism product marketing to educate them about the stresses on ecological integrity caused by current or increased levels of use and to encourage them to incorporate appropriate ecological integrity messages in their marketing programs. Parks Canada is an active member in local, regional and national tourism organizations and is a partner of the Canadian Tourism Commission. On January 4, 2001, Parks Canada and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada signed an accord outlining principles to guide collaborative actions between the two organizations. UNDER WAY. Parks Canada will continue to influence and involve the tourism industry in enhancing sensitive and appropriate marketing and use of national parks. For example, Parks Canada is working with the Tourism Industry Association of Canada and the Canadian Tourism Commission on the development of best practices and with the National Tour Association on the production of sensitive heritage appreciation guides. Through such efforts, Parks Canada will encourage a shared sense of responsibility among the tourism industry, visitors and Parks Canada employees for the protection of ecological integrity in national parks.

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