Trail description

La Mauricie National Park

La Mauricie National Park gives you access to a vast network of marked trails. Whether you hike or ride a gravel bike in the summer, or cross-country ski or snowshoe in the winter, you are sure to find a trail that matches your ability and leads you to breathtaking lookout points.

Please note: The approximate times are for hiking and snowshoeing only. There are no approximate times given for the gravel bike and cross-country ski trails.

The multipurpose trails are shared by bikes and pedestrians in summer, cross-country skiers in winter and park service vehicles. Dogs are prohibited on all park trails at all times. Service animals are permitted everywhere in La Mauricie National Park.




Crosscountry skiiers in a snowy trail

snowshoer icon Hiking or snowshoeing trail

classic crosscountry skier icon Classic cross-country skiing trail

Free style crosscountry (skate) skier icon Skate cross-country skiing trail

Accessible via Saint-Jean-des-Piles Entrance

Off season, the Rivière à la Pêche sector parking lots, trails and pit toilets remain available. Note that emergency services could be unavailable or considerably delayed.

Trail Level of difficulty Distance Estimated time Trailhead   Offer  
Du Camping (#1) easy trail icon 3.1 and 4.5 km (loop) 2 h 30 Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre snowshoer icon

Designed for beginners and families, this trail begins at the Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre. It circles round the campground and you can choose between two different return routes. The first route goes directly back to the point of departure, while the second extends the outing by 1.4 kilometres, offering pleasant views out over the Saint-Maurice River.
Trail #2 difficult level trail icon 13.2 km ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre classic crosscountry skier icon

Experienced cross-country skiers will be delighted to discover the majestic winter scenery offered by the Bérubé and Français lakes.
Trail #3 - North easy trail iconmoderate trail icon 11.5 km ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre snowshoer iconclassic crosscountry skier icon

This trail links Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre and the Domaine Wabenaki-Andrew.
Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre to Isaïe Shelter: 5 km
Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre to La Pêche Shelter: 9.5 km
Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre to Domaine Wabenaki-Andrew: 11.5 km
Trail #5 difficult level trail icon 3.5 km ----- ----- classic crosscountry skier icon

This trail starts at trail #6 near the Pimbina Shelter and goes to the Isaïe Shelter on trail #3.
Trail #6 easy trail icon moderate trail icon 8.6 km ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre classic crosscountry skier iconFree style crosscountry (skate) skier icon

From the Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre to the Pimbina Shelter (5.5 km), the trail is easy and overlooks Pimbina Lake. The section between the Pimbina and Marie shelters (6.5 km) is intermediate.
Trail #6A moderate trail icon 2.5 km ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre classic crosscountry skier icon

Free style is forbidden on #6A trail. This one-way trail starts at trail #6 and leads to Bouchard Lake.
Trail #7 moderate trail icon 3.5 km ----- ----- classic crosscountry skier icon

This classic cross-country ski trail leads from the Marie Shelter, to the junction of #6 and #9, to the La Pêche Shelter on #3, on the shore of lac à la Pêche.
Trail #9 easy trail icon 8 km ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre classic crosscountry skier icon Free style crosscountry (skate) skier icon

This cross-country ski trail, located between trail #10 and the junction of trails #6 and #7, is open to both classic and free styles. This trail runs along Lake Edward and Lake Marie.
Trail #10 easy trail icon 11.5 km ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre classic crosscountry skier icon Free style crosscountry (skate) skier icon

This portion of the Parkway is reserved for fans of classic or free-style cross-country skiing.
Trail #11 (La Familiale) easy trail icon 4 km (loop) ----- Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre classic crosscountry skier icon Free style crosscountry (skate) skier icon

An ideal trail for young families and to learn about cross country skiing.
Lac-Solitaire (#13) moderate trail icon 6.1 km (loop)
Elevation gain: 443 m
3 h Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre snowshoer icon

Upon completing a first ascent, you’ll reach the Lac Solitaire lookout. The trail continues with a series of additional ascents and descents around the lake. Take a break in the red chairs at the Lac aux Chevaux lookout.
Ruisseau-Bouchard (#14) moderate trail icon 9.1 km (loop)
Elevation gain: 658 m
4 h Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre snowshoer icon

Begin by hiking along a portion of the Lac Solitaire Trail and discover some splendid panoramas. You then continue on your way to the Lac aux Chevaux lookout, and end your outing along a stretch running next to Bouchard Creek.
Lac-du-Pimbina (#15) difficult level trail icon 14.2 km (loop)
Elevation gain: 968 m
5 h Rivière à la Pêche Service Centre snowshoer icon

You’ll be hiking through mountainous terrain, with stops at the lookouts at Solitaire Lake, Lac aux Chevaux, Benoît Lake and Lac du Pimbina. On the way back, you’ll travel alongside Bouchard Creek.
Deux-Criques difficult level trail icon 18 km (loop)
Elevation gain: 946 m
7 h Rivière à la Pêche parking snowshoer icon

Hike one of the park's most beautiful and quiet trails, but also one of its most challenging. Reach lookouts offering breathtaking views.
Mekinac moderate trail icon 11.5 km (loop)
Elevation gain: 610 m
4 h Rivière à la Pêche parking
Mekinac parking
snowshoer icon

Temporary closure: a portion of Mekinac Trail is closed for safety reasons.
Take a challenging climb to the Lake Rosoy lookout and head to the red chairs for a breathtaking view of the Saint-Maurice River. On your way back, take a break at the Familiale Shelter located near the Rivière à la Pêche parking lot.
Accessible via the Saint-Gérard Entrance

Off season, the Saint-Gérard sector parking lots, trails and pit toilets remain available. Note that emergency services could be unavailable or considerably delayed.

Trail Level of difficulty Distance Estimated time Trailhead   Offer  
Multipurpose Trail #3 - South moderate trail icon 3.5 km ----- Saint-Gérard Entrance snowshoer iconclassic crosscountry skier icon

The pilot project for multipropose Trail #3 - South will continue with the grooming of a single-sided classic cross-country ski trail. This multipropose trail links the Saint-Gérard entrance to the starting point of the cross-country ski trail network.

To reconcile all uses of this trail, visitors are asked to avoid walking on the cross-country ski trail. Trail quality may vary according to traffic and weather conditions.

Lac-Parker (#4) moderate trail icon 1.1 km (round trip) 1 h Saint-Gérard Entrance snowshoer icon

From Domaine Wabenaki-Andrew to Parker Lake, snowshoers will discover spectacular views of Parker Falls. To reach the Lac-Parker trail #4, you must take Trail #3 - South.
Lac à la Pêche Trail (#4A) moderate trail icon difficult level trail icon 6.5 km 3 h Saint-Gérard Entrance snowshoer icon

This trail follows the Rivière à la Pêche and its rapids, leading to a spectacular panorama. The hike is punctuated by several ascents and descents, and offers different views of Lac à la Pêche.
Trail #8 moderate trail icon 4 km (loop) ----- Saint-Gérard Entrance classic cross-country skier icon

This classic cross-country ski trail links trails #3 - South and #7 and leads to the edge of Lake Parker.

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