Applying for permits to build or renovate in the park

Jasper National Park

Essential information for residents and businesses on species at risk

Learn what you need to do to help protect species at risk in the park.

Weekly drop-in hours for questions on rebuilding - Have questions about rebuilding? Come talk to a development officer during drop-in hours.
  1. The purpose of drop-in sessions is to have your questions on development policies and the development permitting process answered by a planner from Parks Canada or the Municipality of Jasper
  2. Sessions will be limited to 15 minutes to allow us to respond to more people. Inquiries requiring more time can be booked separately in advance. To book a longer meeting, contact

Hours from January 2 to February 28, 2025


Tuesday: 10 am – 12 pm
 Parks Canada Administration Office (Train Station)
607 Connaught Drive


Thursday: 10 am – 12 pm
Friday: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
 Link to sign up for a virtual meeting

New Land Use Planning Regulations (December 2024)

New Land Use Planning Regulations and corresponding fees are in place across all national parks and national park reserves. These regulations were needed to replace outdated rules and fees that had not been changed in over 50 years. The new regulations were created with input from public and Indigenous consultations that have occurred since 2018, and will replace the following older regulations under the Canada National Parks Act:

  • National Parks of Canada Building Regulations
  • National Parks of Canada Cottages Regulations
  • National Parks Signs Regulations
  • Town of Jasper Zoning Regulations

For residents of Jasper National Park, please note:

  • These new regulations don’t change what or where residents can build.
  • Local plans and policies, such as the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy and the Architectural Motif, remain in place.
  • A Jasper-specific approach to land use planning and development permit fees will make sure that no resident has to pay more than they did before the new regulations were introduced as a temporary measure in recognition of the unique circumstances caused by the 2024 wildfire.
  • Parks Canada and the Municipality of Jasper are working to make the permit application process easier and reduce any unnecessary costs or administrative steps.

Who is responsible for issuing permits in the Municipality of Jasper?

Parks Canada is the land use and development authority for Jasper National Park and as such issues discretionary use permits, development permits, building permits, occupancy permits, and certificates of completion. Simple projects may only require a development permit whereas the most complex projects may require all five permits!

What activities do not require a permit?

Permits are not required for general maintenance, or repairs, that do not involve structural changes to the building. For example, you don’t need a permit to replace a few deck planks, paint the exterior of a house the same colour, replace interior electrical fixtures, replace plumbing fixtures, install cupboards, paint interior walls, change flooring, or decorate your house for the holidays. If you are unsure if your project requires a development permit, please consult the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy “development” definition (section 3.02(a)) and the development permit exceptions (section 5.01)), or send an email enquiry to

What activities require a permit?

Permits can fall into either development permits or discretionary use permits. Below is a list of the most common activities requiring permits hyperlinked to details on how to apply for each.


Discretionary uses:

Other permit actions:

If your specific activity is not listed, or not yet hyperlinked, please consult: General Development Permit Submission Requirements.

What kind of projects need an environmental impact assessment?

A requirement of the development permit process is a cultural and environmental impact analysis.

Most projects within the townsite are covered under a Preapproved Impact Assessment (PDF, 227 KB) and require no further analysis.

Out of Town submissions that have the potential to impact cultural and environmental features require an approved Parks Canada Impact Assessment in order to deem a development permit submission package complete. For Out of Town development applications a Project Description Form (PDF 437 KB) must be submitted with your development permit submission package to begin the impact assessment review process. An Impact Assessment Specialist will reach out to you if more information is required to complete the assessment. To reach the Impact Assessment office, please email

To view recently issued development permits, discretionary use permits, or variance applications and decisions, please visit: Jasper National Park Public Notices.

For development inquiries, or to request a meeting with a development officer, please contact the Development Office at or (780) 852-6123. Please note that your inquiry or meeting request may be directed to a planner from the Municipality of Jasper or from Parks Canada. If you would prefer to meet with a specific organization, please state this in your call or email.

When do I need to get a building permit?

A Building Permit is required when a proposed development contains life-safety elements covered under the National Building Code – Alberta Edition. Once a Development Permit is issued, you must apply for a Parks Canada Building Permit.

Are there any fees associated with getting a permit?

There are fees associated with permits. For more information on what fees may apply to projects, please contact the Development Office.


Development forms
Helpful information


Realty and Municipal Services, Jasper National Park publishes this webpage to give general information to the public. It is not a legal document that interprets codes and regulations.

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