Community Update: Walleye and Chorus Frog Surveys Underway

Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site

April 3, 2017 – In the coming weeks Parks Canada will be undertaking assessments of the fish and frog populations at numerous sites along the Trent-Severn Waterway. As a result of this work, community members may see individuals with flashlights on top of numerous dams or the adjacent shorelines during the evening hours.

This work is part of Parks Canada’s rigorous environmental assessment and permitting process and will provide important data about the health of walleye and chorus frog populations in the area. These assessments help us to fulfill our commitment to Canadians to protect the natural and cultural heritage of our treasured places.

Walleye Surveying

Walleye are a cool water fish found in rivers and lakes throughout Ontario. The health of the walleye population is important to both indigenous and recreational fisheries. Many Parks Canada dams that will see repairs in the coming years are known to have walleye spawning areas in the downstream areas.

The individuals assessing the walleye populations in the coming weeks will be working in the evening hours as walleye are known to be more active at night. Using high-powered flashlights they will be able count the number of fish present based on the reflection given off by the eyes.

The fish surveys will take place at Locks 19, 22-26, 28, 37, 38, and in the Talbot area. Staff will begin at the dams and then move slowly down the shoreline a short distance.

These studies will help to provide a baseline for walleye population in the area prior to construction and will inform the requirements of the Environmental Management Plans.

Chorus Frog Surveying

Chorus frogs are considered a species at risk that has critical habitat in certain areas along the Trent-Severn Waterway. Chorus frogs lay eggs in temporary ponds that form only in spring unlike other frogs that make use of more common wetlands, making the chorus frog population more vulnerable.

In order to get a better understanding of the locations of chorus frog critical habitat, surveyors will be in the field during the evening listening for the distinctive chorus frog call. Surveyors may also mimic the call themselves in order to encourage those frogs that may be shy.

This work will take place along the Otonabee River.

Investments into Trent-Severn Waterway Infrastructure

The Government of Canada has announced more than $600 million of work on infrastructure across the Trent-Severn Waterway and its reservoir lakes. Through investments in infrastructure, Parks Canada is protecting and preserving our treasured places, while supporting local economies, contributing to growth in the tourism sector, and enhancing the safety of Canada’s heritage sites.

For More Information:

For up-to-date news on infrastructure work along the Trent-Severn Waterway, please visit our website: For questions or concerns, or to receive updates regarding this project, please contact us at and include “Infrastructure” in the subject heading.

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