Look at those beautiful smiles. Wonder what they’re smiling about? Our simply delightful and super helpful brochures, of course!


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Overview of Wood Buffalo National Park

Visitor Guide

An overview map of Wood Buffalo National Park indicating visitor facilities such as: camping areas and picnic tables as well as features such as roads, Indigenous lands and conservation areas. Click here to view a larger version (4800 x 5250)  of this map

Hiking trails, campgrounds and facilities around Pine Lake

lac Pine Lake

Pine Lake Day Use Area and campground maps, includes locations of Kettle Point Group Camp and Pine Lake Campground. Hiking trails in the Pine Lake area are also visible, including Lakeside Trail and Lane Lake Trail.  Click here to view a larger version  of this map

Hiking trails around Salt River Day Use Area

Map of Salt River Day Use Area and nearby hiking trails: Salt Pan Lake Trail, Salt River Meadows Trail and the Benchmark Creek Trail (including the popular section, the Grosbeak Lake Route). Click here to view a larger version (6400 x 6400 ) of this map  

Salt Plains Lookout Area

Map of the Salt Plains Lookout area, includes the picnic area near the lookout as well as the access trail to reach the salt plains.  Click here to view a larger version (7680 x 7680) of this map 

Pine Lake Campground and Recreation Area Map

 Lac Pine

Map of Pine Lake Day Use Area facilities and campsite locations in the Pine Lake campground. Click here to view a larger version (1700 x 2800) of this map



Wood Buffalo National Park Visitor Guide is a guide with a map of key points-of-interest and facilities in Wood Buffalo National Park. It also includes activity suggestions, and some important safety information. Download the PDF version available here   (PDF 4,300 KB)

Black Bear Country Safety Guide gives you tips on how to avoid black bear encounters and the skills to handle an encounter if it occurs. Bears roam freely in the park but with the right precautions, you will not bother one another. Download the PDF version available here  (PDF 326 KB)

The Far North Within Reach is a trip itinerary and suggested route for road travelers going north from Edmonton, AB… “(It’s) the journey, not the destination (that) matters...” ― T.S. Eliot. Download the PDF version available here  (PDF452 KB)

The Pine Lake Campground and Recreation Area leaflet provides an overview and map of the amenities at Pine Lake. It also has important information on etiquette and regulations for the Campground and facilities. Download the PDF version available here (PDF 608 KB)

Wood Buffalo Dark Sky Preserve: A View to the Infinite answers questions from, “So what is a dark sky preserve anyways?” to “When is the best time of year to see the northern lights?” Not only that, you get to know where the observation sites are and how we celebrate during the Dark Sky Festival. Most importantly, you leave with a sense of why the night sky is so important. Download the PDF version available here (PDF 5,192 KB.)

The information in our brochures can also be found on this website. If you have more questions contact our friendly visitor reception centre.

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