Local attractions and tourism
Fundy National Park
There are a variety of services available in the village of Alma and the surrounding areas. For a complete listing please visit the website of the Albert County Tourist Association.
Friends of Fundy
The Friends of Fundy is a registered non-profit association, which co-operates with the Park to promote and interpret its natural and cultural history. The gift shops and bookstores are the most visible evidence of their work but they also sponsor a variety of programs and publications such as:
- Naturalist Club
- School Programs
- Owl Prowl in April
- Spring Peep event in May
- Canada Day activities
- Parks Day Take-a-Hike in July
- Haunted Hike in October
- Winter for Animals in January
- The Park Trail Map
- Park-specific guidebooks available at the Fundy Nature Boutique gift shop
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