Interpretive programs

Pacific Rim National Park Reserve

This summer, come explore with us! Let our park interpreters inspire and fascinate you as you experience all that Pacific Rim National Park Reserve has to offer.

Discover and explore the tide-pools and rainforest. Get up close and personal with a slug. Feel a fuzzy sea otter pelt. Explore with us during a guided walk or drop by for a short talk. Listen to stories that are older than our ancient trees. See the land and water from a different perspective as you immerse yourself in the cultural and natural treasures of Pacific Rim. To answer your questions and more look for a Parks Canada interpreter on the beach or trails! Find them, talk to them, and they will be happy to share what they know.

Our interpretive programs run daily from June to September, with limited programming in May. 

Check our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates and special program offers. If you would like to book a special program for your group please contact the Interpretation Coordinator, Diana Lukinuk at or at 250-726-3284.

Note: Public programs are supported through the purchase of a national park entry pass. Programs are presented in English, with special programming available in French on request. If you would like to request a French-only private tour, please contact the Interpretation Coordinator in advance to arrange this.

2024 Interpretive Program Schedule (June to September) 

June Schedule (starting June 7, 2024)  

Guided walks

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
11:00 am at Kwisitis Visitor Centre Shoreline Explore Walk

Coastal Creatures

Tracking the Wild Rainforest Walk Shoreline Explore Walk Sand Dunes Walk Rainforest Walk

Prop talks

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
2:00 pm at Kwisitis Visitor Centre  Slugs! Southern Resident Killer Whales Touch Table: Jaws, Paws & Claws Carnivore Snapshots Slugs! Sharks & Bats Sea Otters

Theatre shows

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
8:00 pm at Green Point Theatre          Whale Tales The Tree Detectives Bears, Wolves & Cougar!

Note: Programs may be subject to change without notice.

Program descriptions

Guided walks

Venue: Begins at Kwisitis Visitor Centre

(Approximately 90 minutes. Arrive early, parking may be limited. Dogs are not allowed. No recording devices.)

  • Shoreline Explore: A guided tour of the fascinating world that exists where land and sea meet.
  • Coastal Creatures: Search for signs of the exciting animals that call the rainforest, ocean, and beaches their home. Towering whale spouts, crawling banana slugs, what will we find today?
  • Rainforest Walk: Experience the sights, sounds, and scents of an old growth rainforest. 
  • Tracking the Wild: Come search for the tracks of Bears, Wolves and Cougars, on the beach.
  • Sand Dunes Walk: Walk the slopes and crests of windblown sand. Discover a world that is not beach or forest, but a strange and disappearing blend of both.
Prop talks

Venue: Kwisitis Visitor Centre

  • Fun, hands-on activities for everyone – young and old. Ask a staff member what’s happening today.
Theatre shows

Venue: Green Point Campground Theatre

(Doors open at 7:45 pm. Children must be accompanied at all times. Pets are not allowed.)

  • Bears, Wolves, Cougars : Discover what happens when bears, wolves and cougars try to share this place with the people who live and visit here.
  • The Tree Detectives: Trees conceal stories in their growth rings. Come develop your detective eye!
  • Whale Tales: Grey, humpback, and orca whales are some of the most captivating creatures that visit the National Park Reserve. Learn about their mysterious and fascinating lives, and how our relationship with them has changed over time.

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