Annual update of the Management Plan—2022 Season

Fort Chambly National Historic Site

A couple of senior citizens sat on the Fort Chambly's red chairs.
Fort Chambly National Historic Site

Parks Canada manages one of the finest and most extensive networks of protected natural and historic sites in the world. The Agency’s mandate is to commemorate, protect and present these places for the benefitand enjoyment of current and future generations.

The Fort Chambly National Historic Site Management Plan, which came into effect in 2018, defines the longterm vision and guides the site's management. This Implementation Report presents Canadians with the actions and accomplishments Parks Canada has put in place in 2022 to achieve the vision, strategies and objectives of the 2018 Management Plan.


Objective: Diversify and regularly update the program to attract new visitors and encourage repeat visits.

After the pandemic caused attendance to drop, visitor numbers rose again to 26,500 at the fort and 121,068 at the field, a 14% increase compared to the base year (2016). Efforts have been made to ensure greater staff presence in the park to attract more visitors to the fort.

2022 was the first year that a new "Quizz" activity was held for the public. A new "landscape reading" tour has also been launched. This activity highlights a past that's literally buried beneath the ground and that has been revealed through historical research and archaeological digs. It shows visitors how these elements have shaped today's landscape. In October, 2,848 students participated in a virtual school workshop via the École en réseau digital platform.

Objective: Maintain and renew collaborative efforts between stakeholders and partners when organizing activities and events on site that align with the area’s purpose.

After a two-year break, the site once again hosted the "Voitures Anciennes du Québec" and "Bières et Saveurs" events. Over 50,000 visitors attended both events.

Objective: Work together with Indigenous communities with links to the national historic site in order to honour and showcase their culture and their contributions to the site’s history.

Parks Canada is planning a new exhibit in Room 30 of the fort, developed in collaboration with the First Nations.

Objective: The site uses digital and traditional media to strengthen its links with its target audience and enhance its visibility.

Parks Canada also uses digital and traditional media to promote the national historic site. The site also took part in a number of Tourisme Montérégie promotional initiatives, including a podcast and an advertising campaign on Facebook. The site is featured on Tourisme Montérégie's Vélo map and in the region's tourist guide. Social media platform statistics show a total of 12 organic publications for 2022 for a coverage of 22,214 copies. The websites had 32,669 visitors for a total of 76,620 page views.


Objective: Develop and implement an integrated approach to cultural landscape management.

This approach must reconcile the site’s many uses as an area of historical significance, an urban park for daily enjoyment, a place for interpretation activities and events, and a natural environment to be protected.

Implementation of the cultural landscape management plan is ongoing as the need arises to perform landscaping work: tree cutting, pruning and planting initiated in 2018.

Objective: Continue to ensure the protection of cultural resources.

Parks Canada continues its efforts to protect cultural resources. Maintenance sheets for heritage buildings have been drawn up, and the condition of the Fort has been closely monitored by a team of heritage conservation engineers. This will allow Parks Canada to plan future conservation work. The collection is also maintained annually.


The Parks Canada Agency is proud of its 2022 achievements at the Fort Chambly National Historic Site. Efforts to enrich the service offer, active collaboration with partners and integration of the site into the region all contribute to promoting the heritage of Fort Chambly and Parks Canada's mandate.

In the coming year, the site will continue to implement the objectives identified in the 2018 Management Plan. These initiatives will support site promotion, attract more visitors and reaffirm the commitment of Parks Canada to preserving and showcasing this important part of the country’s history for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

A young family with a Parks Canada guide.

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