Learn to Camp: At Home - Campfire

Can’t get away for the weekend? Craving some toasted marshmallows? Why not get outside and experience our favourite parts of camping from the comfort of your own backyard! Our list of Learn to Camp: At Home activities are sure to bring the camping feeling right to your home.


Let’s build a campfire!

Before beginning, ensure you check any local fire restrictions, regulations or bans. Fires should only be started in safe locations, free of flammable materials. Our favourite spots are enclosed, approved fire pits!

If you don’t have an approved place to have a fire check out the Parka indoor fire activity.

A tended fire is a safe fire! Make sure your fire is completely out before you go to bed. Pour water over the fire to put it out.





There are two great ways to build a fire, let’s take a look at both! Which is your favourite?





Crumple your paper into balls.




Place the small sticks and kindling around the paper in a tented, or “tipi”, fashion, ensuring you are leaving enough room for the fire to get oxygen.




Light the paper on fire in multiple places. As the kindling catches fire slowly add larger pieces of wood to the fire in the same "tipi" shaped fashion. Continue to add wood slowly until you have a strong fire!


Log Cabin



Begin by placing two small sticks parallel to each other a few inches apart.




Place two more sticks perpendicular to the original sticks to complete a square shape like you are building a log cabin.




Continue alternating directions of parallel sticks, in the same “log cabin” fashion.




After several rows, fill the center square with paper and kindling.




Light the paper on fire in several spots. As this fire burns, continue to add larger pieces of wood slowly, being careful not to deplete the fire of oxygen, until you have a strong fire!


Sit back and enjoy!

A tended fire is a safe fire! Make sure your fire is completely out before you go to bed at night or leave your campsite. Pour water over the fire to put it out.

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