
Vuntut National Park

Mandatory registration and deregistration

Issued: June 14, 2017

Mandatory registration and deregistration

Pursuant to section 6(i) of the National Parks General Regulations, all use and travel has been designated as a hazardous activity within Vuntut National Park. All visitors to Vuntut National Park are required to register prior to, and deregister immediately upon completion of their trip. Visitors can register and deregister at the Visitor Reception Centre in Old Crow, or by contacting Parks Canada at (867) 966-3626 or (867) 667-3910.

Permit requirement

Pursuant to section 7.1(2) of the National Parks General Regulations the following are deemed designated activities within Vuntut National Park, and a permit is required prior to engaging in any of these activities:

• All camping;
• Filming or photography for commercial purposes;
• Aircraft landings and take offs; 
• Research activities; 
• Military exercises;
• Fuel and food caching; and 
• Open fires.

Permits are available at the Visitor Reception Center in Old Crow, or by contacting Parks Canada at (867) 966-3626 or (867) 667-3910.

Original signed by Diane Wilson, Field Unit Superintendent, Yukon  

June 13, 2017

Provisions of Yukon First Nation Final Agreements, court decisions, and other aboriginal rights, as reached through an agreement with Canada, may take precedence over any restrictions/prohibitions made under these Regulations.

Questions?  Call Parks Canada (867) 667-3910 / 1-800-661-0486

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