Public programs

Prince Albert National Park

Indigenous Voices Series

Join us for a series of craft workshops and demonstrations facilitated by local Indigenous artists. All materials used were harvested traditionally, sustainably, and ethically.

Birch Bark Biting Workshop
Saturday July 27, 2024
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Nature Centre
Sign up for a workshop with local artist Rosella Carney and learn the Cree art form of birch bark biting. All materials provided. Sign up in advance at the Visitor Centre or call 306-663-4522.
Cost: See prices

Hide Tanning Demonstration
Saturday August 3, 2024
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Campfire Hill next to the Visitor Centre
This invaluable skill is needed for several hide crafts such as mukluks, moccasins and other garments. This multi-step process requires labour, knowledge and patience. Drop in and join Candace Longjohn from Sturgeon Lake First Nation and help scrape, flesh, or stretch the hide, and learn a thing or two about the tools for the trade.
Cost: free

Moose Hair Tufting Workshop
Saturday August 10, 2024
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Nature Centre
Sign up for a workshop with local artist Rosella Carney from Molanosa and try your hand at moose hair tufting. All materials provided. Sign up in advance at the Visitor Centre or call 306-663-4522.
Cost: See prices

July 2 to August 31


9:30am to 11:30am behind the Visitor Centre overlooking the Main Beach
Join a park guide underneath the green canopy as they show you some of the park’s natural and cultural treasures.


7pm to 9pm meeting at the Nature Centre
Explore the park off the beaten track using the iNaturalist app. Gather data to help monitor species at risk and stop invasive species from spreading. Bring a vehicle and a smart phone. Different location weekly.


Muskeg Marvels
7pm to 8:30pm at the Boundary Bog Trailhead
Join a 1.5-hour guided hike to taste the wonders of Boundary Bog!


Art in the Park
7pm to 8pm on Campfire Hill next to the Visitor Centre
Join us for a new nature-themed presentation and craft each week. Great for visitors of all ages!


Morning Hikes for Tots and Tykes
9am to 10am meeting at the Nature Centre
An entertaining and easy walk introducing our youngest visitors to nature through music and stories, reading and rhythms. Strollers and early walkers welcome.

Wolf Howl
7pm to 9pm meeting at the Main Beach washroom shaded platform
Learn the ways of the wolf and their packs. Join us for a series of activities and stories to learn more about how and why wolves communicate long-distance with each other. Bring your vehicle and join us for an additional hour as we drive out to different locations to howl for wolves and see if they howl back!


Boundary Bog Bugs
1pm to 3pm at the Boundary Bog Trail Lookout
Meet the interpreter at the watery edge of the bog and take a close look at the underwater creatures who survive in this unique environment.

Bear Aware
7pm to 8pm at Campfire Hill next to the Visitor Centre
Do you know what to do when you meet a bear? Join us and learn more about bear safety through story, song and theatre.


Waskesiu River Critters
1pm to 3pm at the second bridge of Waskesiu River Trail
Meet the macroinvertebrates that have an essential place in nature's food web. Zoom in with a magnifying glass and learn how to identify these delightful water creatures.

Sparks in the Park
7pm to 8pm at Campfire Hill next to the Visitor Centre
Practice your fire lighting skills with our buffet of materials from newspaper to birch bark to lichen to everything in between. Light a fire using flint and steel, magnesium fire strikers, or matches. Test your skills against your friends and family!

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