Pass - expropriated

La Mauricie National Park

The owners of permanent residences, cottages, land and lumber lots that were expropriated during the creation of La Mauricie National Park, their children, grandchildren and spouses will be able to obtain a pass so that they can revisit the places that are dear to them, which are, today, within the park.

Frequently asked questions

How do I make a request?
You can, at this time, apply for a pass. Your application must include the following:
the Pass Application duly completed and signed, and a copy of your birth (or baptismal) certificate in order to prove your identity.

The pass application form is available online at pass application. (PDF, 136 Kb)

Each eligible person is responsible for submitting their own application for a pass. For applicants under 18 years old, the pass application can be submitted by a parent or legal guardian.

The pass is valid for one national park or national historic site, that is, the one whose creation gave rise to the expropriation of the applicant and his/her family.

Please send your completed form at the following address:

How does this pass for the La Mauricie National Park work?
At La Mauricie National Park, this pass will take the form of a numbered card and will be issued to any eligible person who applies for one. It is a personal non-transferable pass that will be renewable every five years.

This pass is valid at all times, except during seasonal park closures. Additional activity fees may apply.

How do I renew my pass?
You can renew your pass by emailing us at with the name and mailing address of the pass holder. We will mail you a new card. Once you receive your card, you just need to sign it for it to be valid.

I still have questions?
For more information, contact us by e-mail at the following address:

We will be pleased to answer your questions.

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