Prélude-à-Forillon trail

Forillon National Park


This looped trail enters a hardwood wooded area, leads to the sea, runs along the bank gravel, and goes back to where it started. With its multi-sensory interpretation modules, this wooden footbridge offers people with physical or visual disabilities a glimpse of the best that Forillon has to offer: the space of its vast sea and eroded mountains.

  • Level of difficulty: Easy
  • Length: 0.5 km (loop)
  • Duration: 15 mins.
  • Type of terrain: First part on planked boardwalk and second part on compacted stone dust.
  • Elevation gain: 2 m
  • Starting point: Visitor Information and Discovery Centre, North Area
  • GPS coordinates: 48.838220, -64.214105

Parking for persons with disabilities.


The trailhead is located at the Visitor Information and Discovery Centre, which offers universal access and several services such as inclusive washrooms, exhibit, gift shop, a bistro, laundry facilities and Wi-Fi, among others.


Signs are translated in Braille and the planked boardwalk area which represents 50% of the trail, has railings to accommodate people with visual disabilities.


The planked boardwalk and the compacted stone dust each represent about 50% of the trail.


A picnic building is available halfway through the loop.


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