Bruce Peninsula National Park
The shoreline boulders at Halfway Log Dump are the designated bouldering area in Bruce Peninsula National Park. Located on the scenic Georgian Bay shoreline, this is a unique bouldering experience in a beautiful and remote setting!
Where to boulder | What to expect | How to get there
Your safety | Ethics & regulations | In an emergency
Protect the Lakeside Daisy | More information
Where to Boulder
The attached map shows the locations where bouldering is permitted at Halfway Log Dump. Do not boulder in the forest or on the first three large boulders along the shore. Visit Ontario Access Coalition or a park office for a detailed site guide with information about specific bouldering problems.
- This is a remote location with few facilities.
- The nearest restroom is at the parking lot.
How to Get There
- From Highway 6, take Emmett Lake Road for 6.6km.
- Turn left at Y junction and go 1.1km to the Halfway Log Dump parking lot.
- From here, hike the 1km trail to Georgian Bay.
- Turn left (north) at shoreline to reach the boulders.
- Note: Emmett Lake Road is not ploughed in winter.
- Use bouldering pads & attentive spotters.
- Climb within your comfort zone.
- Use caution when hiking. The rocks can be very slippery when wet.
- Pack according to time of year and weather conditions.
Ethics & Regulations
Be a responsible boulderer to help protect the park and ensure that bouldering continues to be permitted. Ecological monitoring is conducted by park staff and boulderers.
- Leave No Trace. Please remove chalk and pack out trash.
- All plants and natural items are protected in the park. Do not remove or damage vegetation or other natural items.
- Be a steward for the area. Help educate other boulderers about rules and ethics.
- Report violations to park staff by calling 519-596-2702.

Lakeside Daisy, an endangered plant
© Don Wilkes
In an Emergency
Call 911 or park staff at 519-596-2702. Note that cellular phone service is not reliable at Halfway Log Dump.
Protect the Lakeside Daisy
Lakeside Daisy is an endangered plant that grows on the first three large boulders along the shore. Do not disturb any vegetation.
For more information:
Email: bruce-fathomfive@pc.gc.ca
Phone: (519) 596-2233
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