Wildlife safety

Auyuittuq National Park

Wildlife in Auyuittuq has little exposure to humans and may therefore not be afraid of you. As a general rule, keep a safe distance from all wildlife and remember that it is illegal to touch, feed or entice wildlife with food items in a national park.

The possibility of polar bear encounters exists anywhere in the park. The potential for an encounter is greatest in the coastal areas on the north side of the park. Please read the section on polar bear safety for important safety information.

Wildlife, other than polar bears, may also pose hazards.

Foxes and wolves can carry rabies. Do not allow them to approach you. Be especially suspicious if wildlife appears friendly or tame.

Birds and wildlife are inquisitive and opportunistic. They will scavenge food left out and caches that are not securely stashed. Make sure food and garbage is securely stored.

As a general rule keep a safe distance from all wildlife and remember that it is illegal to touch, feed or entice wildlife by holding out foodstuffs in a national park.

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