Outreach Programs

Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Online workshops

We can bring the Cape Breton Highlands National Park to your classroom or community group, for free! We offer the following workshops between March and November. They can be delivered in person in Cape Breton, and through teleconference anywhere in Canada and beyond!

Book your online workshop with us

In order to continue our mission to pass on our passion for history and nature, our team offers online workshops on a wide range of topics, including archaeology, coastal erosion, and more.

Although the presentations are designed with certain audiences in mind, all educators and learners, in classrooms, homeschools, and informal educational settings, are welcome to participate.

For more information or to book for your group or organization, contact us.

What’s for Dinner

Learn about carnivores and herbivores, predators and prey in this workshop about food chains and the animals that live in and around the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. This workshop is also full of tips and tricks about how to keep yourself and wildlife safe when you are out enjoying nature.

Grade 2 to 6
30 to 45 minutes

(Re)Building Better

Climate change and coastal erosion has had a big impact on the shorelines of Atlantic Canada these last few years, including in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Parks Canada experts tell you more about what happened, what we’re doing to fix it, and what you can do to help fight coastal erosion in your own community!

This program is available virtually or can be offered in-person within Cape Breton. While it is best suited for students in junior high and high school, it can be adapted to suit the needs of your group.

Grade 6 to 12
45 minutes to 1 hour

Camping 101 in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park

This Learn-to-Camp program is ideal for newcomers to Canada or anyone who is new to camping! Parks Canada team members will answer all your questions about camping in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park, from planning your trip to knowing what to do if you encounter wildlife. 

This program is available virtually or can be offered in-person within Cape Breton.

To learn more or to request an outreach program for your school or youth group, email us, call our Outreach Officer at 782-503-0691, or check out our social media channels.

Contact veronique.hotton@pc.gc.ca for information or to register.

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