Culture and history

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site

Gwaii Haanas = Islands of Beauty

Gwaii Haanas is a place where people can explore a way of life in which the land and sea are intertwined with humans and the supernatural. It is a place with over 12,500 years of human history.

Land, Sea, People

Learn about history and land-sea-people connections from the Haida Gwaii Watchmen.

Haida cultural sites

Explore Haida cultural sites in Gwaii Haanas - monumental poles, longhouses and other sites, guided by Haida Watchmen.

Haida Gwaii Watchmen

Learn about history and land-sea-people connections from the Haida Gwaii Watchmen.

Legacy Pole

Learn about the monumental pole raised in Gwaii Haanas celebrating 20 years of cooperative management.

Post-contact history

Read about post-contact history in Haida Gwaii and the impact of fur trade on Haida culture.

Cultural resources

Read about how Haida cultural resources are protected and presented at Gwaii Haanas.

Photos and videos

View captivating photos and videos from Gwaii Haanas: inspiring landscapes, Artists in Gwaii Haanas, the Legacy Pole and more.