Amisk Wuche Trail

Elk Island National Park

Amisk Wuche is the Cree name for the Beaver Hills. The diversity of this trail is ideal for keeping children interested. The trail winds through aspen, birch and spruce stands. A series of floating boardwalks takes the trail across small kettle lakes and beaver ponds. Part of the trail follows ridgelines which allow for elevated views of forested and grassland habitat.

Length: 2.7 km
Time: 1 to 1.5 hours

Level of Difficulty: Level of Difficulty:  Moderate Moderate

Significant Features: Boardwalks through marsh and forest. Rich in birds and aquatic life.

Trailhead: Accessed by Elk Island Parkway.

GPS Co-ordinates for Trailhead (in decimal degrees):
Lat.: 53.678683 Long.: -112.822728

Trail map

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