Activities and experiences

The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site

The Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site is temporarily closed for the season. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in spring 2025!

Just one visit to the Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site is enough to charm everyone, young and old, with the scenery and the countless activities you can enjoy on your own, with family or friends: voyageurs canoe on the canal, Xplorers challenges, picnics in the park, interactive exhibition, and much more.


School diaries

Do you work in education? Discover our school programs designed to provide a stimulating learning environment for elementary and high school students.

Memorable experiences

Tours and programs

Take part in the discovery activities: Interpretation, Xplorers program, and more.


See the calendar for upcoming events at the Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site.

School programs

Introduce your students to history: Learning activities, online workshops, guided tours and more.

Nestled on the edge of Lake St. Louis in the southwest of Montréal, an old stone warehouse built in 1803 is the last witness to the Golden Age of 19th century fur trade. Thanks to an exhibition that tells the story of trappers, voyageurs, Indigenous and bourgeois of the time, you will learn about the lives of these adventurers who helped pioneer Canada.

Things to do

Interpretation Group activities
Exhibit Exhibitions
Hiking Hiking and accessible hiking
Photo Opportunity Photography
Picnic area Picnicking
Exhibit Xplorers program
Bicycles Cycling
Interpretation Self-guided tours with posted guides
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