Supply post

Battle of the Châteauguay National Historic Site

Like the army, the militia had its quartermaster general who handled the distribution of housing, clothing, and food. At every military outpost, a quartermaster oversaw the distribution of supplies.

In October 1813, the supply post was located here, near the spot where the Châteauguay River curves significantly, is further from the road, on its way to join the Des Anglais River downstream.

Officers and soldiers received the same rations. The Canadians ate lard, while the British soldiers were served beef. In principle, the quartermaster supplied essential items such as the militiamen’s canteens and cutlery that they kept in their bag of provisions. “Kettles” or pots were used to prepare soup. The number of candles given to militiamen varied in relation to their rank. Officers had to provide their own candlesticks and snuffers (scissors used to cut candle wicks).

It is said that to warm up, the guards and the men on patrol often had to use the wood that was available. Fence posts or wood cut by farmers served as firewood.

Today, from the supply post, it is easy to see the Châteauguay River and to imagine the usefulness of the river as a means of transporting food to supply the troops during the Battle of the Châteauguay.

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