Map of some Mi'kmaw place names in Mi'kma'ki

Halifax Citadel National Historic Site

This map shows some Mi'kmaw place names in an area of Sipekne'katik on the Atlantic Coast in Mi'kma'ki.

Map of some Mi'kmaw place names in Mi'kma'ki
More details
Mi'kmaw place name English interpretation
Alusulue'katik (Lower Sackville) at the measles place
Asoqmapskiajk (Bedford Basin) at the rocky crossing
Asoqmasukwita'mk (Porcupine Lake) to walk across the water
A'sukwitk (Lawrencetown) meeting of waters
Eske'kewa'kik (Indian Point) place of raw (significance uncertain)
Etu'panuek (Williams Lake) two streams flowing into an opening
Kepe'k (Halifax Narrows) at the narrows
Kepijoqjɨk (Aspotogan Harbour) at the blocking area
Kitpukusisek (Mill Cove) at the eagle's nest
Kjikujikwitk (Devil's Island) meaning uncertain
Kjipuktuk (Halifax) the great harbour; the great fire
Klujjiewpe'jk (Lake Williams) lake of the cross
Kpɨteskaqnk (Aspotagan Harbour) blockade place
Kul'pijuik (Petpeswick Inlet, Port Piswick) flowing under the earth or under rocks
Kuowa'qmiktuk (Camp Hill) at the pine grove
Kwipek (Bedford) meaning uncertain
Kwipew (Sackville) possibly "head of the tide" but meaning uncertain
Malklipoqt (Ingram River Reserve) Margaret's Bay
Maqoqpejk (Second Lake) large round little lake
Mesi'paqnuk (Cape Sambro) meaning uncertain
Milpe'jk (Salmon River Long Lake) many coves
Mniku'j (McNabs Island) little island
Mulipjɨkejk (Herring Cove) deep valley-like
Muskɨto'pukwek (Musquodoboit Harbour) flowing out to a wide opening
Nespa'taqnk (Prospect) place where an herb is mixed with tobacco
Nipmane'katik (Beaver Bank) meaning uncertain
Nme'jukatik (Shad Bay) place of the fish
Nme'kaqnuk (Ketch Harbour) a good fishing place
Pakwek (Pockwock Lake) shallow
Paqasimkwajk (Five Mile Lake) at the boggy place stretching out
Punamu’kwati’jk (Dartmouth) at the tomcod place
Pu'tijk (Lake Major) sitting down place
Sesetkuk (East Chezzetcook, Chezzetcook Head) flowing rapidly
Tapuisimkek (East Lawrencetown) meaning uncertain
Tqoskwe'jk (Wisdom Mill Lake) twin girls
Walnamkia'ji'jk (Portuguese Cove) at the small sandy cove
We'kwaltijk (Northwest Arm) end of the bay; ending without a river coming in
Wta’nkuk (Tancook Island) facing the open sea

Indigenous content in these maps and throughout the new Fortress Halifax exhibit was developed in collaboration with our partners at Mi’kmawey Debert. Map content draws upon the Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas and Trudy Sable and Bernie Francis, The Language of This Land, Mi’kma’ki (Sydney, NS: Cape Breton University Press, 2012).

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