
Progress Report on Implementation of the Recommendations of the Panel on the Ecological Integrity of Canada's National Parks

  • Examples of specific achievements in national parks:
    • There is local community input for designing the Aboriginal component of the new Point Pelee Visitor Centre exhibits, and preliminary discussions with the local Caldwell Aboriginal community with respect to work internships, technical assistance for site restorations, and repatriation of artifacts for a proposed heritage centre.
    • In Vuntut, a remote sensing satellite mapping program of vegetation is jointly supported by Yukon Renewable Resources and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.
    • In Pacific Rim, Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council representatives and park officials are working together to develop a cooperative management arrangement that will integrate First Nations roles and perspectives into park management and planning as part of a comprehensive treaty process.
    • In Nunavut, because the Field Unit operates within the context of the Nunavut Land Claim Agreement and the Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement (IIBA) establishing the national parks, everything is done in a regional context (e.g. working closely with Nunavut Wildlife Management Board to seek approval for research).
    • In Riding Mountain, Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Nation's Medicine Society has facilitated access for the collection of natural medicines for traditional use.
    • Forillon is developing an agreement with the Gespeg Nation to carry on Aboriginal cultural practices inside the park boundaries.
    • In Kluane, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations members played a significant role in the Kluane National Park and Reserve Management Plan Review Process.
    • In Cape Breton, the Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife Commission, Parks Canada and provincial staff collaborated on the development of a five-year research study on moose, which will include employment and development opportunities for members of the Mi'kmaq community.
    • Parks Canada staff are working cooperatively with the Deh Cho Tribal Council on issues dealing with the possible expansion of Nahanni National Park, and the protection of ecological and commemorative integrity.

    Next Steps

    • Respond to and implement ideas that will come from both the Round Table on Aboriginal Tourism and the Senate Committee.
    • Continue to work cooperatively with Aboriginal peoples and organizations on all possible fronts.
    • Additional funds are being sought to foster improved relationships with Aboriginal peoples.

    "We will work collaboratively with federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal government agencies to build partnerships for effective ecosystem-based management by participating in regional planning processes, biosphere reserves, model forests and World Heritage initiatives." (Action Plan)

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