
Parks Canada Agency

Corporate Plan
2008/09 - 2012/13

Section I: Parks Canada Agency Overview

Linkages Between Strategic Outcome, Program Activities and Government of Canada Outcomes

Strategic Outcome:

Canadians have a strong sense of connection, through meaningful experiences, to their national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are enjoyed in ways that leave them unimpaired for present and future generations.
Expected Result: Performance Indicator: Target and Date:
Same as strategic outcome The overall state of ecological integrity in national parks Maintain or improve the overall ecological integrity in all national parks from March 2008 to March 2013
The overall state of commemorative integrity of national historic sites administered by Parks Canada Improve the overall average commemorative integrity rating from 6.0/10 in March 2008 to 6.6/10 in March 2013
Sustainable use of national marine conservation areas To be determined*
Canadians report a personal connection to Parks Canada administered places Establish a baseline by March 2009 for the percentage of Canadians that report a personal connection to Parks Canada administered places
Program Activity Planned Spending** Alignment to Government of Canada Outcomes
1: Heritage Places Establishment 24,897 24,919 24,845 24,401 23,266 Vibrant Canadian Culture and Heritage/
Clean and Healthy Environment/
Strong Economic Growth
2: Heritage Resources Conservation 212,566 217,648 217,178 217,125 213,378 Vibrant Canadian Culture and Heritage/
Clean and Healthy Environment/
Strong Economic Growth
3: Public Appreciation and Understanding 26,482 27,658 27,658 27,658 27,658 Vibrant Canadian Culture and Heritage/
Clean and Healthy Environment
4: Visitor Experience 271,718 276,709 276,709 276,709 276,709 Vibrant Canadian Culture and Heritage/
Clean and Healthy Environment
5: Townsite and Throughway Infrastructure 74,881 68,320 63,320 63,320 63,320 Safe and Secure Communities/
Strong Economic Growth/
Clean and Healthy Environment
  Total 610,544 615,255 609,711 609,214 604,332  
* National marine conservation areas are in their early development stages and their performance framework is still to be developed.
** Due to rounding, figures may not add up to totals shown.

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