
Parks Canada Agency

Corporate Plan
2008/09 - 2012/13

Section I: Parks Canada Agency Overview

Parks Canada Agency Priorities

Program Priorities Type Description
Establish national parks and national marine conservation areas and designate places, persons and events of national historic significance Ongoing In order to achieve the long-term goal of having at least one national park and one national marine conservation area for each of Canada’s 39 natural regions and 29 marine regions, Parks Canada will continue to work towards establishing new national parks and national marine conservation areas. Parks Canada will continue to support the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada and the Minister in the designation and commemoration of places, persons and events of national historic significance, notably in under-represented themes.
Conserve existing national parks, national marine conservation areas and national historic sites administered by Parks Canada Ongoing Parks Canada will invest in restoration projects aimed at improving the ecological integrity of national parks. Parks Canada will improve the commemorative integrity of national historic sites it administers, notably by investing in its built cultural resources. It will do so using new social science research information to better support visitor experience.
Foster Canadian appreciation and understanding for the heritage places administered by Parks Canada and the engagement of stakeholders and partners Ongoing Through its outreach, education and communication activities, Parks Canada will build awareness of its mandate and understanding of the importance of the heritage places it administers. Parks Canada will continue its efforts to engage partners and stakeholders in the protection and presentation of the heritage places it administers.
Provide Canadians with meaningful experiences and quality visitor services to improve their personal connection to the heritage places administered by Parks Canada Ongoing Parks Canada will develop visitor experience products and services using new social science research information to ensure visitors expectations and needs are being met. It will continue to deliver quality visitor services, which will be based on new national standards and guidelines.
Management Priorities Type Description
Asset Investments Ongoing In 2006-07 dollars, the replacement value of Parks Canada’s assets is estimated at $10 billion. Investing in Parks Canada’s historic and contemporary facilities is an important priority of the Agency. In addition, $25 million in new revenues from fee increases are being reinvested to maintain and upgrade priority facilities to support visitor use and enjoyment.
Internal Management Ongoing The Agency will continue streamlining and integrating its planning and reporting instruments, including management planning, business planning and corporate planning and reporting. Planning and reporting will be aligned with the new Program Activity Architecture, with increased emphasis on performance measurement and data collection.

The 2007 Management Accountability Framework (MAF) assessment identified the need for a formal risk management framework for the Agency. Key elements of the framework will be developed by the Agency in 2008-09. Another recommendation from the MAF assessment is to put in place an implementation plan for the new Internal Audit Policy that includes establishment of an audit committee with external membership.
Human Resources Renewal New Parks Canada will focus its efforts in increasing the capacity of its organization to learn and adapt to change, notably to changing demographics. This includes increased efforts to ensure that the workforce reflects the diversity of the Canadian population.
Environmental Management Ongoing While fulfilling its mandate, Parks Canada will demonstrate environmental leadership and stewardship. Parks Canada targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its own operations by 5.2% from 1998-99 baseline level of 56.3 kilotonnes to a level below 53.4 kilotonnes by 2010-11.

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