
Parks Canada Agency

Corporate Plan
2008/09 - 2012/13

Section II: Analysis of Program Activities

Program Activity 4: Visitor Experience

Program Activity Description:

This program supports the more than 22 million person visits that are made annually to Canada’s national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas by Canadians and international visitors. The visitor experience is the sum total of a visitor’s personal interaction with heritage sites and/or people, an interaction that awakens their senses, affects their emotions, stimulates their mind and leaves them with a sense of attachment to these special places. Activities include the provision of high quality pre- and on-site trip planning information, reception and orientation, interpretation, campgrounds, infrastructure, hiking trails, opportunities for recreational activities, visitor safety and the ongoing post-visit relationship. The meaningful experiences fostered by these activities lead to a sense of relevance and connection to Canada’s system of special heritage places.

Visitor Experience Program Activity
Planned Spending ($ thousands) and Full Time Equivalents (FTE)
Planned Spending
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
FTE ($000s) FTE ($000s) FTE ($000s) FTE ($000s) FTE ($000s)
2,045 271,718 2,045 276,709 2,045 276,709 2,045 276,709 2,045 276,709


Expected Result: Performance Indicator: Target and Date:
Visitors at surveyed locations feel a sense of personal connection to the places visited Visitors at surveyed locations consider the place is meaningful to them Establish a baseline by March 2009 for the percentage of visitors at surveyed locations that consider the place is meaningful to them
Visitors at surveyed locations are satisfied with their visit 85% of visitors at surveyed locations are satisfied, and 50% are very satisfied, with their visit

Planning Highlights:

In order to achieve the expected result, Parks Canada plans to undertake the following activities:

  • Parks Canada will renew its Website trip planning section to facilitate visitor experience.
  • Parks Canada will develop visitor experience products and services using new social science research information to respond to visitors expectations and needs. As such, programs will be modified to further encourage visitors to take part in learning activities. This will allow Parks Canada to continue to deliver quality, professional and authentic learning experiences through personal interpretation programming.
  • Parks Canada will develop and apply national service standards and guidelines for services offered to Canadians.
  • To protect the commemorative integrity of national historic sites and facilitate visitor experience, there will be an emphasis to improve the communication of the reasons for the commemoration of national historic sites, particularly for sites where this is a concern.

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