Discovery activities

Forillon National Park

Are you curious by nature? So are we! 

Description of activities

Our guides know the land's ends like the back of their hand. Let them guide you on a hike, ask them your questions about the wildlife and plants, embark on their legendary fishing stories and discover with them the hidden treasures of Forillon's natural and cultural heritage.

Activities are presented from July 1st to August 23th 2024.



Photo: Mathieu Dupuis

Les secrets de la roche de Forillon (in French only)

Mountains born at the bottom of an ocean that has now disappeared, fossils of animals that lived more than 400 million years ago... The landscapes and content of Forillon's beaches have many secrets to reveal. Come and discover them in a truly enchanting setting.

Date Monday at 10 am

Location : Grande-Grave beach

More information on Forillon geology



Photo: Roger St-Laurent

Garde à vous! (in French only)

The year: 1942. The place: Fort Peninsula, a coastal defence battery located on Forillon’s south side. Your mission: protect Gaspé Bay and the Allied ships from enemy threat. Would you be able to defend them?

Date Tuesday at 2 pm

Location : Fort Peninsula

More information about Fort Peninsula coastal battery



Photo: Parks Canada

Ça grouille à Penouille (in French only)

With both feet in the water, discover the plants and animals that have taken up residence on the sandy surface of a genuine underwater meadow!

Sandals and water clothes recommended.

Starting hour varies according to the tides.

July 3, 10, 24, 31 and August 7, 21: 10 am
July 17 and August 14 1:30 pm

Date Wednesday at 10 am or 1:30 pm

Location : Penouille Visitor Centre

More information about Penouille



Photo: Getty images

Folklore et légendes (in French only)

Our grandparents really knew how to party! Join the talented guides for a family activity featuring spirited rhythms and spellbinding tales!

Date Thursay and Sunday at 2 pm

Location: Blanchette's barn

More information about Grande Grave history



Photo: Mathieu Dupuis

Destination Land's end (bilingual)

Set out and reach mythical Cap-Gaspé – land’s end! Along the way, you’ll discover some mind-boggling natural and cultural treasures. Don’t forget your lunch! Note: The hike is guided along the outbound segment only.

Date Friday at 10 am

Location : Picnic area of L’Anse-aux-Amérindiens (South area)

More information about hiking trails



Photo: Mathieu Dupuis

Tous à la besogne (in French only)

We need your help to make Gaspé Cured : the best dried and salted cod in the world! Come see us at L’Anse-Blanchette, we’re hiring!

Date Saturday at 2 pm

Location : Blanchette House

More information about Culture and history at Forillon



Photo: Stéphane Marchand

Around the fire: "Sons et sifflements" (in French only)

Have you heard? Featuring Forillon’s wildlife and their sounds, from the most melodious to the most bizarre.

Date Saturday and Tuesday at 7 pm

Location : Des-Rosiers campground amphitheater 

Canceled in the event of rain

More information about Nature and science at Forillon


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