Recommended Equipment

Tuktut Nogait National Park

 unpacking canoes
Camping in Tuktut Nogait

Every trip requires slightly different equipment but all visitors should be prepared for emergencies and sudden changes in weather. The following is not a comprehensive list but should be considered when selecting your equipment.

  • A comprehensive first aid /survival kit
  • Bear deterrents such as bear bangers and bear spray
  • Portable stove with plenty of fuel and waterproof matches
  • High energy, quick cooking, lightweight foods
  • Clothing well suited to the terrain (layers with warm, quick to dry, durable, comfortable and wind resistant /waterproof material)
  • Shoes for crossing waterways and shoes suited to your chosen activity
  • A tent designed for arctic use
  • Insulated sleeping mat and a sleeping bag that will keep you warm if the weather deteriorates
  • Sunscreen and lip screen, biodegradable soap
  • Mosquito repellent, bug jacket
  • Maps
tent with snow on it
Afternoon snow

Contact Natural Resources Canada to find regional distribution centers for topographic maps. If paddling the Hornaday River the maps that cover the navigable portion of the Hornaday River are: 97A (Erly Lake) and 97D (Brock River).1:250,000 topographic maps. If hiking in Tuktut Nogait, 1:50,000 scale topographic maps of your hiking route are recommended.

  • A good quality Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver
  • Satellite phone and emergency contact numbers for Parks Canada. There are no emergency communication systems in Tuktut Nogait National Park. Lightweight, portable satellite phones are reliable for use from most locations in the park. While they are still expensive to purchase, rentals are available commercially. A satellite phone is the best way to make contact with rescuers in the case of an emergency. We recommend you carry a satellite phone above all other communication methods.

If you have questions about equipment needs contact Parks Canada staff in Inuvik  for suggestions.

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