Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve is a remote wilderness park. Travellers must be entirely self-sufficient and able to handle any emergency situations on their own. Plan ahead. Select a trip which suits your party and ensure that you are properly equipped for your trip.


In the event of an emergency you should be prepared for lengthy delays in search and rescue response times due to weather conditions and/or the availability of both aircraft and rescue personnel.

Please note that while cell phones work in Łutsë K’e they are out of range in almost all areas of the park.


The weather is highly unpredictable. It can change quickly and/or vary greatly from one location to another. Near Great Slave Lake and in the barren lands the temperature is generally colder and the weather is more unpredictable. Rain or snow can fall at any time of the year and freezing temperatures are possible even during the summer. The best way to deal with the weather is to prepare for all conditions.

Check the weather forecast:


The risk of hypothermia is significant to outdoor recreationists. Hypothermia occurs when your core body temperature drops below a level that your vital organs can function at. It is caused by exposure to cold and is aggravated by wetness, wind and exhaustion. Most cases develop in fairly mild air temperatures between -1° C (30° F) and 10°C (50° F).

Prevention is the best cure:

  • Wear appropriate clothing: layers that provide warmth even when wet, and warm hat and gloves
  • Eat! The body needs the energy from food to create warmth. Keep a supply of high-energy food accessible
  • Travel at the speed of the slowest member of your party. Don't let anyone become exhausted, their ability to stay alert and orientated will decrease
  • Take breaks, stay warm. Make camp before fatigue sets in
  • Take the weather into consideration! Assess changing conditions and adjust your plans accordingly
  • Be alert to the first signs of hypothermia and act immediately if you start to shiver and feel numb, if you have difficulty speaking and if your muscle coordination becomes difficult.

    Water quality concerns

    Unfortunately, cases of Giardia or Beaver Fever are possible. To avoid contracting biological and chemical diseases you are advised to either:

    • Fine filter (<0.5 microns)
    • Treat (UV, iodine or chlorine in warm water)
    • Boil your drinking water.

    To prevent the spread of Giardia and other diseases you should bury feces in the top 15 cm (6") of soil and at least 60 m (200') above the high water mark of any water body.


    width=Bear track © Noel Hendrickson

    Use caution around all wildlife and do not feed or approach them. Wildlife may become aggressive if they feel their food, young or space is being threatened.


    Familiarize yourself with the principles and practices of safe travel in bear country. The Bear Safety webpage provides important information about traveling and camping in bear country.

    Parks Canada recommends carrying bear spray with you at all times on the trail. Bear resistant food canisters are recommended for overnight trips from April 1 to November 15.

    Animal carcasses

    Animal carcasses are occasionally encountered in the park. If you encounter one, note the location, leave the area immediately, and report it to park staff.

    Overnight Trips

    Please register before going in Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve and Thaidene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area.

    Area closures

    Areas may be temporarily closed for safety or environmental reasons. Before you travel check:

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