"We invite people to discover a beautiful part of Canada --
through their eyes, and through our eyes."
Łutsël K'é (Loot-sel-kay), or "Place of Small Fish", is the only settlement on the East Arm of Tu Nedhé (Great Slave Lake). It is the gateway to the new Thaidene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area and Thaidene Nëné National Park Reserve. From Łutsël K'é you can see the soaring cliffs of Thaidene Nëné and its deep clear waters teaming with Lake Trout.
This scenic, predominantly Denesǫłine community is accessible only by air, boat or snowmobile. It is an ideal spot to launch sightseeing, fishing, and paddling trips in Christie and McLeod Bays and over Kaché Kaɂá (Pike's Portage) into the muskox and caribou-rich barrenlands.
Formerly known as Snowdrift, Łutsël K'é was established with a Hudson Bay trading post in 1925, followed by a Roman Catholic church. Resident Denesǫłine, whose homeland comprises many ancestral villages in Thaidene Nëné and beyond, started to reside more permanently in Łutsël K'é with the establishment of a school in the 1960s.
Today, Łutsël K'é is a friendly community of about 300 people, with an airport, K-12 school, store and hotel, community hall, arena, and various administrative buildings of the Łutsël K'é Dene First Nation. The community owned and operated Frontier Lodge is located nearby on the banks of the Stark River.
The Łutsel K’é Denesǫłine maintain a rich, land-based culture tied to Thaidene Nëné. There are a number of local guides and outfitters that are happy to showcase the wonders of Thaidene Nëné and their Indigenous way of life to visitors.
The community is a 45-minute flight from Yellowknife and scheduled flights go between Łutsël K'é and Yellowknife at least once per day, every day of the week.
Want to visit? Contact the Łutsël K'é Thaidene Nëné. Department for information about how to make the most of your visit to the community.
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