Nahanni National Park Reserve
Nahanni National Park Reserve
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Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
Greatest river trip in the world
Bill Mason, filmmaker, author, naturalist, canoeist
Naha Deh. The legendary South Nahanni River
All of our land is important...
The land takes care of us, and we take care of the land.
Dehcho First Nations
Taking Care of Naha Deh. Naha Dh K'odi
Nahanni is growing: from 4766km2 to over 30,000km2.
We love the land. The water sustains life...
The animals, birds, fish and berries feed us...
The plants and earth heal us...
The land gives us our legends and history...
...Even when we dont walk on it, our spirit walks on it.
Dehcho First Nations
Canada's gift to future generations.
The Expanded Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
Nahanni National Park Reserve - Buckle Up!
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[This video has no spoken language]
Parks Canda Branding
wide shot showing large waterfall and surrounding landscape
[text on screen] Nailicho (Virginia Falls)
medium shot of waterfall showing only width of falls
close up of water rushing over falls
oblique view of falls showing rainbow in mist
[text on screen] Nailicho (Virginia Falls)
close up of rainbow in mist
close up of centre rock in waterfall
pan down centre rock in waterfall highlighting rainbow
[text on screen] Fourth Canyon
From water level, slow zoom out to show canyon walls with rafts in distance
From raft, turbulent water in middle of rapids
[text on screen] Fourth Canyon
From raft, sweeping by rock clifs on right side of ricer
From raft showing right side of river bank
[text on screen] Third Canyon
From shore pan left to show calmer waters and mountains in background
[text on screen] The Gate
from shore showing narrow chute in river between steep canyon walls
[text on screen] Pulpit Rock
Close up of rock spire in middle of narrow chute
[text on screen] Third Canyon
Pan down cliff face to show top-down view of narrow chute
[text on screen] Second Canyon
From raft on calm waters between steep cliffs
[text on screen] Georges Riffle
From raft in rough water
Blue canoe navigating the roughwater
Wide shot of clamer waters with a raft in background
[text on screen] (First Canyon)
Wide shot of First Canyon
Wide shot at First canyon
Close up of right canyon wall as it sweeps by
From raft looking up canyon wall from directly below
[text on screen] White Spray Spring
Meduim wide shot of creek flowing into river
Third shot of creek. Lots of water flowing over rocks
[text on screen] Laftery Canyon
Wide slow right to left pan of river valley showing bend in river and light rapids.
[text on screen] Real.Inspiring. Nahanni National Park Reserve
Credit to TBS Television in Japan
Parks Canada branding, Canadian flag logo
Pilgrimage to Gahnįhthah
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Parks Canada beaver logo
fade from black to show close-up of hiking boots walking down a single lane path boots
Title : Pilgrimage to Gahnįhthah
A young Indigenous female interpreter says “Welcome” in the regional language. There are lake, forests and mountains behind her.
E’hé é Mahsii – Welcome to Gahnįhthah Mįe
Close up of hiking boots walking down a single lane path boots
Indigenous female interpreter returns there is a different lakescape behind her
Here is a place of creation in the heart of Nahʔą Dehé, Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Camera pans left to right across scenic lake vista. Fog shrouded forest and mountains are in the background
camera zooms out to show mountains surrounded by low clouds. A lake appears in the foreground.
In this place of creation the Dene have travelled since time before memory.
camera pan left to right across top of Tufa Mound showing scalloped hillside with pooled water
We come here to pay our respects to Yamba Deja a powerful medicine man who walked the horizon of the earth.
group of women with bowed heads stand around a campfire
The indigenous female interpreter returns
He returned to Gahnįhthah to make his home at the tufa mounds.
forested landscape with grey stone hills showing in distance
camera tilts up a large imposing stone cliff face on a hill.
Gah means rabbit, nįhthah means kettle.
The indigenous female interpreter returns to explain the regional name for tufa mound
The tufa mounds resemble kettles that are used to cook rabbits
camera zooms in from a distance to show tufu mound in forest
series of 3 shots near the top of the tufa mound. There is quite a bit of cascading and pooling water.
The indigenous female interpreter returns to explain the bones found on top of the mounds
The birds of prey bring rabbits along with other small mammals as offering to Yamba Deja.
Pan across flat dry area on top of tufa mound.
Close up of rabbit skull and jawbone on dry weathered calcium
The indigenous female interpreter returns to talk about how Tufa mounds grow
The tufa is created drop by drop, growing 2.7 mm each year each year to become the largest tufa mounds in Canada.
pan across scalloped, layered calcium deposits. Water flows overtop of deposits.
camera tilts up from very clean flowing water to show it flows from tufa central pool. People stand round the pool edge
pan across scalloped, layered calcium deposits. Water flows overtop of deposits.
Left to right pan from base of tufa mound on dry side showing that it is several stories tall
The indigenous female interpreter returns to talk about UNESCO site
It is one of the many land form types that contribute to Nahanni’s designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site
white scalloped calcium deposit in foreground Blue river and forest in back ground.
close up of water flowing through a small pool.
dozens of grey calcium ‘marbles’ in dried up pool area
water cascading down layered side of tufa mound. Mountains and forest in back ground.
Dry area highlighting layers of calcium.
water cascading down layered side of tufa mound. Sunshine reflects off flowing water
man walks barefoot across wet are of tufa mound
water cascading down layered side of tufa mound. Sunshine reflects off flowing water
close up of feet ankle deep in pools of water on tufa mound
The indigenous female interpreter returns to talk about removing shoes
When we arrive at the tufa mounds, we pay our respects and remove our shoes.
close up shot of a barefoot person standing on tufa with water flowing around them
Barefoot we enter the home of Yamba Deja for a unique Dene experience like no other in the world.
barefoot male crouched down to shoot photograph of water flow on tufa. Forest and mountains are in background.
wide shot showing multiple people walking on the tufu mound. River and mountains in background.
close up of feet as two people and climb the wet terraced tufa mound.
view of group walking down hiking path surrounded by boreal forest.
The narrator returns to talk about finding your connection to the land
Find your connection to the land and the people.
a Parks Canada interpreter talks to a group of hikers along the trail
Come find your Nahanni
two people stand on top of tufa mound and look towards distant river, forest and mountains. Man on left points towards the horizon
end titles
Parks Canada logo and canadian flag
Monitoring of fish in National Park Reserves
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Parks Canada beaver logo
out-of-focus fuzzy white area on dark background. Sound of approaching helicopter
Title: During the summer of 2014 a Parks Canada Summer student participated in a study of fish populations
Title: in the streams of Nahanni and Náátsi'hch'oh National Parks Reserves
Title: The experience was documented by the student to show others
Title: the difficulties overcome to complete the survey in the wilderness
Fuzzy white light on dark background becomes sharp as scene shows helicopter landing behind crouching students
Interior of helicopter that shows parkland in the background
Landscapes a seen through the window of the helicopter. The helicopter main rotor blades are visible at top of screen.
Student and park staff exit the helicopter
Student and park staff walk through dense bush near stream
Title: The electrically charged rod attracts the fish without harming them
Title: When the electricity stops the fish are swept into the net
Student and park staff walk through dense bush
Landscapes a seen through the window of the helicopter. The helicopter main rotor blades are visible at top of screen.
Still image of staff at campsite working on paperwork around unlit fire pit
Head shot of student in helicopter, Park staff in back seat. Rain on helicopter windows
Helicopter taking off in light rain
Still shots of plant life found in area
Head-mounted camera point of view of following staff member through dense bush. Lots of wet leaves, water on lens, blurred imagery.
Rod in water checking very small creeks and water areas
Still shot of Parks Canada employee making notes in a notebook
slow zooms of mountain scenery
still image of creek
video of minnows in creek
itle: This two year study is monitoring Arctic Grayling fish populations in a sensitive area
still image of student with notebooks.
still image of 1.5 cm long minnow beside a ruler
still image of Arctic Grayling in creek.
still image of student and employee crouching down beside landing zone to avoid helicopter down draft.
video of student driving quad ATV onto bridge
still image of happy student inside small plane
view out of small airplane window showing parkland valley.
Title: Nahanni National Parks Reserves and Náátsi'hch'oh National Parks Reserve
Parks Canada logo
2014 Nahanni River Experience - Find Your Nahanni
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Parks Canada beaver logo
Front close shot of smiling Parks Canada employee in waterproof jacket
Flying through clouds on a small plane. South Nahanni River flows through parkland below. Image zooms down to river
Helmet camera footage of person rowing a boat. People in different boats in background
two people in canoe ride through large standing waves
two people in blue raft ride through large standing waves
three people wearing green shirts sitting on floating dock. One passes camera to another
two people wearing bathing suits jump off dock into water
the head of a smiling person swimming in mountain lake.
Title: Find Your Nahanni
Parks Canada logo.
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by Parks Canada, 2015.
Canada wordmark
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