Wildlife cameras

Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve

As a remote park with challenging terrain, Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve demands a specialised strategy for monitoring wildlife. Staff flights to the park are only possible during a few summer months, and harsh winter weather tests the limits of equipment left in the field.

Parks Canada has taken these conditions into account in developing a monitoring program based on a network of remote cameras. These units are anchored to trees and metal posts to capture images of wildlife that pass by, triggering motion sensors. Cameras serve as low-impact and robust tools for monitoring wildlife, particularly large and mobile species like caribou.

The images give Parks Canada scientists valuable information about body condition, reproductive success, and seasonal habitat use. This information is especially important for long-term monitoring of the Northern Mountain population of woodland caribou, a species at risk. The park collaborates closely with neighbouring Nahanni National Park Reserve in tracking caribou populations, as well as those of other wildlife species.

Privacy and security

Though nearly all cameras are positioned along wildlife trails in little-accessed areas of the park, some are installed near sites that visitors access – such as at hot springs. These units have identifying decals and contact details for the Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve office. Parks Canada handles all camera data securely and deletes images in which visitors appear.

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