Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
The warm dark waters in Kejimkujik's lakes and rivers offer a variety of swimming experiences. Ask at the Visitor Centre about the best swimming spots.
Enjoy beautiful sandy beaches in the campground and at Merrymakedge beach on the shores of Kejimkujik Lake.
All beaches at Kejimkujik are unsupervised.
Pets are welcome at the pet-friendly area at Merrymakedge Beach.
Jeremy's Bay Campground
Meadow Beach, Slapfoot Beach, and Kedge Beach offer excellent swimming. They are close to the campsites, connected by the Slapfoot Trail, and have beautiful views of Kejimkujik Lake.
Pets are welcome at the pet-friendly area at Merrymakedge Beach. Pets must be kept on a leash or in suitable confinement at all times.
Pets are not allowed on all other public beaches.
Swimming Safety
Never dive as rocks may be completely hidden in the dark water.
Never swim alone.
Swimming at Kejimkujik Seaside
Swimming at Kejimkujik Seaside is not recommended due to dangerous currents, strong undertows, and cold water temperatures.
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