Frequently asked questions

Terra Nova National Park

  • What is the problem with forest regeneration in Terra Nova National Park?

    The forest in Terra Nova National Park is very old and is not being replenished with new trees. The young trees that usually form the understory of the forest have been browsed so heavily by moose that they are unable to grow. The result is that decades after insects killed mature fir trees in some parts of Gros Morne and Terra Nova National Parks, no trees have grown back to replace them. Instead, fir forests have changed into grassland or shrub barrens. This has occurred, or is in the process of occurring, in 13 square kilometres of Terra Nova’s forest.

  • How do we know that moose are the problem?

    Moose numbers have increased dramatically since Terra Nova National Park was created in 1957. Each adult moose eats approximately 30 kg of twigs each day. Twigs of trees and shrubs are the most important food for moose during winter. Surveys over the last thirty years have shown increasing damage to forest vegetation as the moose population has grown. Research has shown that moose can remove as much as 98% of young trees in a given area. Moose are also reducing the abundance of understory shrubs such as wild raisin, chuckley pear, mountain holly, red elderberry, Canada yew and wild raspberry. Through decades of heavy browsing, moose are impacting the habitats of other species and are decreasing the overall diversity of plants and animals that live in Terra Nova National Park.

  • What will happen if nothing is done to control the moose population?

    The most likely scenario is as follows: the preferred food species of the moose will continue to decline; even larger areas of forest will convert to grassland and shrub barrens; the diversity of wildlife and vegetation will continue to decline due to lack of food and habitat; the growth of non-native weeds will increase; and eventually, the moose population will start to decline as many of them become weakened and starve to death. By that time, the long-term damage will be done.

  • How will Parks Canada reduce and control moose numbers?

    After extensive public consultations and examination of population reduction efforts in other national parks and protected areas, Terra Nova National Park developed a Hyperabundant Moose Management Plan. One of the strategies identified in this plan is to allow hunters to harvest moose within Terra Nova National Park. At the same time, Parks Canada will monitor the moose population to determine whether the hunt is effective at reducing the number of moose and whether forest regeneration is improving as a result. Other strategies identified in the plan include vegetation management techniques such as mechanical site preparation and tree planting.

  • What do I need to participate in the population reduction program?

    Licenses will be allocated to eligible harvesters through a random draw process administered by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Hunting and Trapping Guide includes comprehensive information on the population reduction programs for both Terra Nova and Gros Morne National Parks. Participants must provide proof of provincial harvester eligibility, which includes successful completion of the Canadian Firearm Safety Course and Newfoundland Hunter Education Course. Once eligibility is confirmed they can apply through the provincial big game licensing system. Successful draw applicants will be issued a Parks Canada Superintendent’s permit that will allow them to harvest and retrieve a moose in Terra Nova National Park. Also, as per provincial regulations, harvesters will need to possess their provincial hunting license and tags as well as their outdoor identification card. When transporting a firearm in an area of a national park that is outside of the identified moose management area, the firearm must be cased or securely wrapped and tied.

  • What type of licenses will be available?

    Twenty-five (25) either-sex licenses are available. An additional fifteen (15) either-sex licenses are available to not-for-profit organizations. Hunters should note that other provincial harvesting licenses (i.e., for species other than moose) will not be recognized in Terra Nova National Park.

  • Will hunting on behalf of a not-for-profit organization affect my individual status in the license draw?

    No. In this case the not-for-profit organization is the official license holder and the hunter is identified to hunt on their behalf. The individual status of the identified hunter is not affected.

  • Will there be access to secondary roads in the park?

    Yes. All accessible roads will be open. Roads will be plowed when necessary, pending operational requirements. These include Blue Hill, Ochre Hill, Sandy Pond and Visitor Centre roads. Please note that construction activities may be taking place in some areas and there may be temporary closures.

  • How much road access is there in Terra Nova National Park for searching for animals?

    There are approximately 57 kms of road that can be traveled by vehicle in Terra Nova National Park. There are “no hunting” buffers in place along the TCH (20 m), Routes 301 (20 m) and 310 (50m). Please ensure that you are outside these buffers before discharging your firearm. Please see the map for “No Hunting Areas”. For more information please call 709-533-2801. Harvesters are also cautioned to adhere to traffic regulations when travelling these roadways and to follow safe hunting practices.

  • Will backcountry access or retrieval assistance be offered?

    No. Assistance with backcountry access will not be provided. A pilot program to offer access had limited success in terms of advancing the park’s ecological goals.

  • Can I use my ATV or snowmobile to retrieve a moose?

    No. The National Parks Act prohibits the recreational use of all-terrain vehicles or snowmobiles in Terra Nova National Park. These motorized vehicles cause environmental damage, including destruction of vegetation, disturbance to wildlife and contamination of soil and water. This also includes the use of motorized watercraft on inland waterways. This also includes the use of motorized watercraft on inland waterways.

  • What is a a trip plan?

    A trip plan is a plan that outlines your expected travel itinerary. Parks Canada requires a trip plan for hunters planning an overnight stay at a designated backcountry campsite. It should include a departure date/time, proposed hunting area/route, estimated date/time of return, names and address of hunting party, contact information, and emergency contact information. As with all backcountry travel, hunters must be self-reliant and prepared for an overnight stay in the event that weather or other issues prevent them from returning at the planned time.

  • Am I allowed to hunt in areas where park staff are working, or within construction zones?

    No. Hunting is not permitted within these areas. There may be construction zones and work areas throughout the park and their locations may change daily. Closed areas will be indicated by red shading on the hunting map provided to successful applicants. Additional signage (e.g. digital panels, flag persons etc.) will be visible throughout the park if construction activity is occurring. Hunting is not permitted within 500 m of ongoing work. Please call 709-533-2801 for up-to-date information.

  • What are “Shared Access Areas” on the map?

    Most areas of the park are shared access areas (see enclosed map, Zone 1 in green). Shared access areas allow shared access and use to visitors and hunters simultaneously. Please use extra caution if hunting within these areas. Hunters must wear blaze orange (vest and/or hat) while hunting within Terra Nova National Park.

  • Can you hunt on Sundays in Terra Nova National Park?

    Sunday hunting will be permitted in Zone 1 starting on October 20, 2024.

  • Am I permitted to use a longbow, compound bow, or crossbow to harvest moose in the park?

    Yes, longbows, compound bows and crossbows may be used to hunt moose in Terra Nova National Park. Specific hunting laws are consistent with those described by the Provincial Department of Environment and Wildlife in the annual Hunting and Trapping Guide. Note that the hunting dates for using these firearms is the same as for using rifle (October 15, 2024 to January 26, 2025).

  • Is non-lead ammunition required in the park?

    No, non-lead ammunition is not a requirement for hunting in the park, however, use of non-lead products is encouraged to reduce harmful effects to human health and wildlife.

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