
Terra Nova National Park

Nestled in an old growth forest with the Atlantic Ocean lapping the edges, Terra Nova offers some of the best camping in Newfoundland.

With two main campgrounds and seven backcountry locations, you can camp your way. Come tenting, RVing, or even stay in one of Parks Canada’s highly-sought after oTENTiks. Each campground has its own unique features, and each promises a taste of Newfoundland’s great outdoors.

Most requested


three people sitting at a picnic table, barbecuing

Newman Sound

  • 267 campsites
  • 20 oTENTiks
  • Showers and flush toilets
  • Accessible features
Newman Sound campground
a person reading in a yellow hammock

Malady Head

  • 89 campsites
  • 10 oTENTiks
  • Showers and flush toilets
  • Accessible features
Malady Head campground
an oTENTik with two people standing on the deck


  • Newman Sound: 20 oTENTiks
  • Malady Head: 10 oTENTiks
  • Accessible features

oTENTik details
three people in a tent in the forest

Backcountry locations

  • 29 campsites
  • 7 locations
  • Pit privies
Backcountry locations 

Check out these camping-related social stories to help make a visit to Terra Nova National Park a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for all.

Printed versions are available at the Visitor Centre and the campground kiosks.

Parks Canada Reservation Service

Reservations will open for long term camping in Newman Sound on February 9, 2024 at 8:30 am NT. These sites may only be booked by calling 1-877-737-3783.

Reservations will open for all other camping on February 13, 2024 at 8:30 am NT

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