Managing Snowmobiling in Gros Morne National Park

Gros Morne National Park

Gros Morne plays many different roles. To some it’s a source of inspirational beauty and learning, to others it’s a place to simply get out in the backcountry on snowmobile or on foot. But it’s not always people who need Gros Morne. The park protects plants and animals and provides a space for ecosystems to function the way they should.

On behalf of all Canadians, Parks Canada manages Gros Morne in a way that strikes a balance between the needs of park users and the park’s nature. A healthy forest is very important, and so is having a great place to snowmobile. It’s another way to experience Gros Morne and to appreciate why this place is so special, both as a national park and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The Federal-Provincial Agreement that established Gros Morne National Park allows the use of snowmobiles, “…in accordance with national park regulations and operational policies where this use will not affect wildlife, vegetation or terrain.”

Before the Canada National Parks Act came into effect in Gros Morne in 2005, Parks Canada and resident and public/commercial working groups collaborated on the development of guidelines for snowmobiling in the park.

The members of these working groups did an outstanding job. Their commitment and hard work is much appreciated. Today, a Snowmobile Advisory Committee continues to build upon the groups’ work. There are still three main goals they strive to help us achieve:

  • To ensure a safe and enjoyable snowmobiling experience,
  • To protect the environment,
  • To provide a space for non-motorized users like skiers and snowshoers.

Your help in following the guidelines that snowmobilers helped to create for Gros Morne is much appreciated by the people and by the plants and animals!

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